This week’s Teams activity focuses on the concepts of efficiency, optimization, and leadership. Through a challenging ladder-style problem-solving task, students will work together to refine their strategies and improve their team’s performance. The activity is designed to help them understand the importance of aligning team efforts and optimizing resources to achieve the best outcomes within a limited time. Additionally, they will explore different leadership styles and learn how effective leadership can guide a team to success.
游戏 | Play
城邦 | Polis
This week, we’re presenting students with a “ladder challenge”. Five problems. One hour. Each level more difficult than the last. It’s a way to break free of the common “win-or-lose” dichotomy and explore the concept of optimization. Teams will win the first few levels, sure. But win… how? Early mistakes or uncoordinated strategies will cost precious time. As a result, only the teams that are the most aligned and most efficient will be able to reach the finish line before time runs out.

模式:⚪竞争 🟢合作
GAME: Polis
SCENARIO: 5 maps
MODE: ⚪Competitive 🟢Collaborative
Optimization, Leadership
反思 | Post-play
Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.
- 什么样的品质能让一个团队达到最高(或最低)的效率?
What qualities make a team work at its most (or least) efficient? - 什么样的品质能让一个领导者在其职位上最(或最不)有效?
What qualities make a leader be at their most (or least) effective?
任务简报 | Mission Brief
For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Mission Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:

讨论 | Discussions
以身作则 | Leading By Example
“Leadership” is a simple term, but upon examination, it’s actually quite complex. Leaders can be charismatic, democratic, or autocratic; they can lead from the front, from the side, or from the back. This week, each scenario presents three types of leadership, and students discuss which one would work best for the situation. Doing so will introduce some challenging new vocabulary (”laissez-faire, transactional”), but not to worry — the objective isn’t to memorize definitions: it’s to start gaining familiarity with high-level concepts in the low-risk environment of Synthesis.

讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro
For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Discussion Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video: