This week, Synthesis lessons will boost their focus through the updated “Batteries Not Included” game. Additionally, the discussion session will lead students to think about determining the best order for tackling complex problems, helping them build stronger logical thinking skills through step-by-step problem-solving.
游戏 | Play
电池未含 | Batteries Not Included
升级的游戏机制额外课程。“不含电池”,Synthesis 的经典游戏之一,现已升级,加入了一个新机制,要求团队在决策时更加专注。学生将在下周的常规课程中简单体验一下,但了解 Synthesis 的孩子们,他们会希望更多。因此,我们在11月29-30日开放了六个额外的课程,让团队能够在专注力上建立耐力。这是因为专注力和其他技能一样:通过练习会更强。
EXTRA SESSIONS for UPGRADED GAME MECHANICS. We’ve leveled up “Batteries Not Included,” a Synthesis favorite, with a new mechanic that requires teams to put more focus into their decision-making. Students will get a small taste of it during next week’s regular session, but if we know Synthesis kids, they’ll want more. A lot more. So we’ve opened up six extra slots on November 29-30 for teams to build endurance in their focus. That’s because focus is a skill like any other: it gets stronger with practice.

模式:⚪竞争 🟢合作
GAME: Batteries Not Included
SCENARIO: 5 maps
MODE: ⚪Competitive 🟢Collaborative
Decision Making, Focus, Endurance
对于新学生,此营收费为65美元。For new students, this camp is $65.
对于现有Teams成员,免费提供。For existing Teams members like you, it’s free.
请为您计划参加的课程回复预订,以便教练们做好准备。Please RSVP for sessions you plan to attend so coaches can expect you.

反思 | Post-play
Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.
- 连续两周的竞争是否对您的团队动态产生了影响?
Did back-to-back competitive weeks have an effect on your team’s dynamic? - 在您的经验中,竞争会激发人们的优点还是缺点?
In your experience, does competition bring out the best or the worst in people?
任务简报 | Mission Brief
For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Mission Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:

讨论 | Discussions
分清主次 | First Things First
As we get older, our problems get more complicated. And that means the solutions aren’t simple anymore. Instead, they take a multi-step process to arrive at a resolution: what is the right order things should be done? If we do one thing first, will it run into a blocker later? If we do a different thing first, will it make things smoother down the line? That’s what this session is about. Each scenario has three steps. The question is, what’s the best order — and why?

讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro
For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Discussion Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:

导师 | Tutor

一与完成 | One and Done
In One and Done, students will explore the unique properties of the number 1 in division. They will gain conceptual clarity on why dividing by 1 always results in the original number and be able to map the identity property of division to a clear visual proof. They will develop a deep understanding of the underlying mathematical principles at play, moving beyond just memorizing division facts. One and Done can be found in the Multiplication and Division Unit.