This week, Synthesis delves into the choices between challenge and comfort. In the “Proxima” game, students face team collaboration tasks where they decide whether to continue with challenging scenarios or return to easier ones. In the discussion session, they’ll reflect on the decisions that shape personal values. Additionally, Tutor introduces a new addition-focused lesson, “Flashcard Frenzy: Add,” motivating students to master multi-digit addition through engaging progression.
游戏 | Play
比邻星 | Proxima
详情 | Details
The “Proxima” game focuses on students’ ability to choose between challenge and comfort. The first scenario will be very difficult, and teams must decide whether to replay the challenging map or opt for an easier path to build team cohesion before returning to the tough scenario. This decision-making process not only strengthens students’ willingness to face difficulty but also helps them evaluate the value of their choices.

模式:⚪竞争 🟢合作
GAME: Proxima
SCENARIO: 4 galaxies
MODE: ⚪Competitive 🟢Collaborative
Comfort with Challenge
反思 | Post-play
以下是一些后续反思问题,如果您希望与您的孩子讨论这次经历的话: Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child:
- 您的团队选择了挑战还是舒适?结果如何?
Did your team choose challenge or comfort? What was the outcome? - 您认为在什么情况下选择较容易的路径更好?什么情况下更适合选择困难的路径?
In general, when do you think it’s better to choose the easier path or the harder path?
任务简报 | Mission Brief
For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Mission Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:

讨论 | Discussions
挑战与舒适 | Challenge vs. Comfort
This week’s discussion session centers on the theme of challenge versus comfort, exploring how choices between the two shape personal values. Each scenario presents “easy” and “hard” options, and students must decide which path is wiser. This is an open-ended exploration with no right or wrong answers, giving students the opportunity to learn from diverse perspectives through global conversations.

讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro
For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Discussion Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:

导师 | Tutor

Tutor 新课程 | New Lesson
课程: 闪卡狂热:加法 | Flashcard Frenzy: Add
单元: 加法 | Addition
Description: In this fast-paced game, students start with simple sums and progressively unlock more challenging card combinations, mastering multi-digit addition skills. By upgrading card status (from green to gold to diamond), students stay motivated and continually chase higher goals.