This week, Synthesis focuses on the diversity of roles and strategies. In the “Proxima” game, students will explore risk assessment and long-term planning to develop a wide range of strategic skills. During the discussion session, they’ll reflect on the different roles they play in life and how to make choices when those roles conflict. These activities enhance students’ logical thinking, teamwork, and self-awareness in relation to the world around them.
游戏 | Play
比邻星 | Proxima
详情 | Details
“Proxima” is a game of risk, trade-offs, and long-term strategy. Players can cultivate to earn points, claim planets to control systems for bonuses, or extract ore to buy satellites. This week’s maps focus on five key lessons:
- 耕种的重要性
The importance of cultivation - 税务卫星的作用
The purpose of tax satellites - 如何让不可居住的行星变得适宜
How to make uninhabitable planets livable - 相互生长卫星的功能
The role of intergrowth satellites - 日食的强大影响
The power of the eclipse
Students will collaborate, ask questions, and test assumptions to gain experience and prepare for harder challenges ahead. The goal is not to win but to learn how to think and plan effectively.

模式:⚪ 竞争 🟢 合作
GAME: Proxima
SCENARIO: 5 instructional maps
MODE: ⚪ Competitive 🟢 Collaborative
Risk Assessment
Long-term Planning
反思 | Post-play
Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child:
- 您从本周的地图中学到了哪些战略技巧?
What strategic lessons did you learn from this week’s maps? - 如果您可以重新选择资源或策略,您会做出什么不同的选择?为什么?
If you could redo your resource or strategy choices, what would you do differently, and why?
任务简报 | Mission Brief
For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Mission Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:

讨论 | Discussion
我是谁 | Who Am I
This week’s discussion focuses on the multiple roles students play in life. They’ll explore being listeners, questioners, or readers and reflect on how to prioritize when roles come into conflict. Each scenario prompts students to consider which “you” matters most when different aspects of their identity clash. It’s a dialogue about self-awareness, helping students better understand their identity and priorities through analysis and collaboration.

讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro
For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Discussion Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video: