Synthesis Week 1/27

This week, Synthesis focuses on defining “success.” In the “Hyperball” game, students must choose their own success criteria—winning streaks, team support, or personal growth. During the discussion session, they’ll dive deeper into the different meanings of success and how to navigate conflicts when definitions clash. It’s an exploration of goals, values, and self-awareness.

游戏 | Play

超级球 | Hyperball

详情 | Details

In “Hyperball,” success isn’t just about winning. Students must define success for themselves:

  1. 连胜成就——目标是五连胜,即使跨越多场游戏。
    Win Streak Achievement—winning five games in a row, even across sessions.
  2. 团队支持成就——专注于提升团队氛围,让队友更有信心,无论输赢。
    Supportive Teammate Achievement—focusing on boosting team morale, regardless of the outcome.
  3. 成长成就——衡量自己与刚开始Synthesis课程时相比的个人进步。
    Checkpoint 2 Achievement—measuring personal growth compared to when they first started Synthesis.

The game isn’t just about skill—it’s about choosing values. Each decision represents a unique perspective on success, and students will put their definition into action during play.

模式:🟢 竞争 ⚪ 合作

GAME: Hyperball
SCENARIO: Fast-paced arenas
MODE: 🟢 Competitive ⚪ Collaborative
Goal Setting
Team Collaboration

反思 | Post-play

Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child:

  1. 您选择了哪种成功的定义?它如何影响了您的游戏策略?
    Which definition of success did you choose? How did it affect your approach to the game?
  2. 在现实生活中,您会如何定义成功?这个定义会因不同情境而改变吗?
    How do you define success in real life? Does your definition change depending on the situation?

任务简报 | Mission Brief

For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Mission Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:

讨论 | Discussion

定义成功 | Defining Success

This week’s discussion challenges students to define success. Does success mean unanimous agreement, learning something new, or being the most dependable and insightful teammate? They’ll also explore what happens when different definitions of success conflict—is it about wealth or friendship? Freedom or comfort? Most importantly, is success something given by the world, or something defined from within?

讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro

For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Discussion Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video: