本周我们将重点探索“必要之恶”的概念,并参与一个独特的游戏挑战“Batteries Not Included” (BNI)——电池未含。
游戏 | Play
电池未含 | Batteries Not Included
详情 | Details
本周将有一次争夺 ”电池未含“ 奖杯的机会,这不是我们最初计划中的内容。这一挑战是由 Silvana 星球的学生们选择的,他们在赢得 Polis (城邦)奖后获得了这一机会。这再次体现了 Synthesis 优先考虑学生自主性和独立性的原则。当学生发现一种新的思维方式时,它来自于他们自身。当他们面对障碍并克服时,它也来自于他们自身。即使他们失败并思考为什么失败,答案仍来自于他们自身。我们会一直在他们身边,帮助、安慰、鼓励和建议,但我们永远会在学生旁边,而不是站在他们前面指导。在 Synthesis,学生是领导者。
This week is a one-time shot at the Batteries Not Included trophy, which is not something we originally planned for. Instead, the challenge this week was chosen by the students of Planet Silvana based on their accomplishment of winning the Polis Prize. It’s one more example of how Synthesis prioritizes student agency and independence. When students discover a new way of thinking, it comes from inside them. When they face an obstacle and overcome it, it comes from inside them. And even when they fail and wonder why, the answers come from inside them. We’ll always be there — to help coach, console, encourage, and advise. But we’ll always be next to your student, not in front of them. At Synthesis, it’s students who lead.

模式:🟢竞争 ⚪合作
GAME: Batteries Not Included
SCENARIO: 6 maps
MODE: 🟢Competitive ⚪Collaborative
Stress Response
Reaction Time
反思 | Post-play
Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.
- 当压力增大时,你们的团队是如何应对的?
How did your team respond when the pressure got higher? - 如果你有选择权,你会选择下一个挑战什么奖杯?
If you had the choice, what trophy would you challenge next?
任务简报 | Mission Brief

讨论 | Discussions
必要之恶 | Necessary Evils
The idea of “necessary evils” is a bit of a paradox. It means doing something bad in order to make things better or stop something worse from happening. But the larger question is, are necessary evils actually … necessary? That’s what this session is about. Each scenario presents a situation that you’ll have to evaluate as a team. Is it something that can be avoided? Or is it actually a necessary evil. No right or wrong answers, just interesting conversations with kids from around the world.

讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro