Hi Yan,

Three weeks ago, you received feedback on how you were using your voice during Play sessions. You’ve attended 4 of the past 6 Play sessions since then. Here’s how your voice has progressed in that time:

Communication Data
Yan's % of time speaking average each session.
Yan's average
Average of all students
Reflection for Yan: How does your voice % in the last 6 sessions compare to the first 6 sessions?
Communication Analysis
Yan, since the baseline analysis, you have shown growth in several areas of communication. Your clarity and conciseness in expressing your thoughts have remained consistent. For example, you continue to communicate clearly and effectively by using direct statements, making your intentions easily understandable to others. Your active listening skills have also improved over time. You now actively engage with your teammates' ideas, responding with phrases like "Thank you" to acknowledge their contributions and demonstrate engagement with their progress. This active listening promotes a collaborative atmosphere within the team. In terms of effective questioning, you still have room for growth. You primarily focus on sharing your own thoughts and ideas instead of asking questions that could enhance the conversation or provide further insights. You could benefit from incorporating more effective questioning techniques to foster deeper discussions and gather more information from your teammates. Lastly, your empathy and perspective-taking skills have remained consistent. You consistently express gratitude and appreciation towards your teammates' contributions, creating a positive and inclusive environment within the team. Keep up the good work!
After reading about your progress, I'd love to hear from you: What is one change that you have made based on the communication feedback you've received? Reply to this email and let us know! In a few weeks, we’ll share new data with you about another key skill that all Synthesis students practice: collaborating with your teammates. If your parent or guardian has any thoughts on this email, tell them they can fill out this 1-minute survey to keep on improving our session feedback.
To the stars (and Mars),
Josh Dahn, cofounder