Hi Ike,

On the journey to make any team you’re on better, you’ll practice excellent behaviors that enhance your teamwork. You’ve attended 6 of the past 6 Play sessions.
Here’s some feedback on your teamwork in that time:

You use your pops to build structures 51% of the time.
How does it impact your team when your pops aren't actively building?
You complete 88% of your attempted passes.
How well are you coordinating with your teammates?
Your distribution in green compared to the average of all students in red.
How are you using your AP to contribute to the team goals?

Teamwork Analysis
Ike, the graphs above show different ways that you have contributed to and coordinated with your teams in the various games. In addition to that data, we have noticed that you actively participated in the group discussions and contributed ideas for the team's strategies. You engaged in dialogue to develop plans for building structures that would benefit the group. You showed commitment to contributing to the team's overall objectives. Your constructive suggestions, such as "We're gonna build two stadiums or just a sacred fire", highlight your dedication to achieving the group goals. When it comes to conflict resolution, you displayed a calm and cooperative approach. You listened to different opinions and tried to find common ground to maintain a harmonious atmosphere. Your efforts to handle disagreements respectfully and promote understanding within the team were evident in statements like "Yeah, great. So we don't need a stadium, so that means we... destroy some oil press because it's wasting our resources". This shows your willingness to work through conflicts and maintain positive relationships with your teammates. You showcased flexibility in adjusting roles based on the team's needs. You suggested alternative strategies and were open to modifying plans for the benefit of the team. For example, when you considered building a sanctuary instead of a stadium because it seemed more suitable, it demonstrated your adaptability and willingness to contribute in various ways. Lastly, you showed receptiveness to feedback from your teammates. You actively listened to their suggestions and took them into consideration when making decisions. Your statement of "Let's destroy this gold mine and build another one" indicates your willingness to incorporate feedback and collaborate with your teammates for better outcomes. Overall, you have demonstrated strong teamwork skills by actively contributing to group goals, handling conflicts effectively, showing role adaptability, and incorporating feedback from teammates. Your dedication and cooperative approach contribute positively to the team dynamic. To further enhance your collaboration abilities, continue actively participating in discussions, maintaining a focused approach, seeking and incorporating feedback, and promoting a supportive and inclusive environment.

Anyone who knows how to make any team they’re on better is able to keep improving their skills and correcting their errors. After reading your feedback, come up with 1 main, specific goal of how you’ll improve your teamwork over the next few sessions. Feel free to reply to this email and let us know what that goal is. In a few weeks, we’ll give you feedback on how you’ve progressed on your teamwork skills after incorporating this email’s insights. If your parent or guardian has any thoughts on this email, tell them they can fill out this 1-minute survey to keep on improving our session feedback.
To the stars (and Mars),
Josh Dahn, cofounder