Hi Wei,

On the journey to make any team you¡¯re on better, you¡¯ll practice how to effectively communicate with everyone. Our Discussion Sessions are carefully designed to provide opportunities for you to practice these critical communication skills in various ways. Last week, you practiced examining two sides of an idea: the point and the counterpoint. Good thinkers weigh counterpoints to their own ideas to make sure that all sides are considered. Did your points hold up to their counterpoints? No right or wrong answers, just interesting conversations with kids from around the world.

Here¡¯s some feedback on how you used your voice in the Discussion Sessions you attended:
Communication Data
Wei's % of time spoken during the discussion sessions last week
Other students
Room Silence
Thu, May 2
Tue, Apr 30
All Session Speaking Average
25% 50% 75%
Reflection for Wei: How does your voice % compare to the other participants?
Communication Analysis
Wei, during the recent Discussion sessions we made some observations we would like to share with you about your communication abilities.

Your ability to articulate and clarify details during discussions illustrates a keen attention to accuracy, as seen when you corrected location details by saying, "It's the USA instead. I'm not even using any VPN." This shows you value precision in information which is crucial in meaningful discussions. However, there's an opportunity for improvement in how you manage the length of your contributions to maintain clarity. In discussions, particularly regarding complex topics like social media, striving for concise statements could enhance understanding. For instance, your comment "Because social media is the biggest thing," could be refined to become more direct and impactful.

You demonstrate a good level of engagement by responding to your peers, indicating active listening skills. Phrases like "Technology's everywhere- on shops, on streets, roads..." respond directly to the ongoing discussion about technology's societal impact. This responsiveness is commendable as it keeps the conversation dynamic and inclusive.

Overall, your communication shows a promising blend of clarity in addressing specific details and active participation through responsive and inquisitive dialogue. However, there is room to enhance the depth of your engagement and the empathy expressed in your interactions. Questions geared more towards understanding broader contexts rather than just personal clarification could facilitate richer dialogues. By focusing on refining how you structure your contributions¡ªaiming for conciseness and depth¡ªyou can significantly bolster your effectiveness in discussions and deepen your connections with peers. Continuing to embrace an empathetic approach when engaging with teammates will further enrich your interactions, making your participation not only informative but also more relatable and impactful.

Anyone who knows how to make any team they¡¯re on better is able to keep improving their skills and correcting their errors. We look forward to seeing you at future Discussion Sessions and we¡¯ll continue giving you feedback on how you¡¯ve progressed in using your voice.

If your parent or guardian has any thoughts on this email, tell them they can fill out this 1-minute survey to keep on improving our session feedback.
To the stars (and Mars),
Josh Dahn, cofounder
The analyses and data provided in this email were created using automated systems that adhere to strict privacy and data protection standards.

If you notice any inconsistencies, please inform us so we can continue to improve this program.