Hi Charley,

On the journey to make any team you¡¯re on better, you¡¯ll practice how to effectively communicate with everyone. Our Discussion Sessions are carefully designed to provide opportunities for you to practice these critical communication skills in various ways. Last week, you looked 20 years into the future in the fields of education, the arts, AI, healthcare, entrepreneurship, and Synthesis itself as you considered the topic of visionary leadership. What trends in your world today inform your vision of the future? No right or wrong answers, just interesting conversations with kids from around the world.

Here¡¯s some feedback on how you used your voice in the Discussion Sessions you attended:
Communication Data
Charley's % of time spoken during the discussion sessions last week
Other students
Room Silence
Tue, May 7
All Session Speaking Average
25% 50% 75%
Reflection for Charley: How does your voice % compare to the other participants?
Communication Analysis
Charley, during the recent Discussion sessions we made some observations we would like to share with you about your communication abilities.

Firstly, we've noticed some challenges related to how clear and concise you are when expressing your thoughts. Comparatively, in previous sessions, your explanations, such as those about astronauts' decision-making, were not only clear but also helped structure the broader discussion. This inconsistency suggests a potential area of focus on maintaining clarity and brevity in all your communications to ensure that your valuable insights are consistently understood.

In terms of active listening, your ability to incorporate your teammates' ideas into the discussion has been notable. However, there seems to be a tendency for you to diverge into loosely related topics without clear transitions. For instance, shifting from business practices to general environmental themes could disrupt the flow and focus of the discussion. Previously, you were much better at synthesizing group thoughts and constructing cohesive summaries, indicating you are capable of excellent listening and integration when focused. Enhancing this skill could involve consciously checking back to the original topic to ensure relevance and alignment with the ongoing conversation, which would undoubtedly strengthen the group's output.

Your approach to questioning and engaging others in the dialogue could also see further refinement. While you rarely ask questions that drive deeper exploration of topics, recall that previously, questions you posed were pivotal in guiding the group towards fundamental insights. Effective questioning is a powerful tool for facilitating richer discussions and ensuring all voices are heard. Asking more open-ended questions that invite your peers to elaborate on their thoughts could not only improve understanding but also build stronger, more inclusive discussions. Balancing providing detailed contributions with concise questions will enhance both your leadership and collaborative impact within the group discussions.

Anyone who knows how to make any team they¡¯re on better is able to keep improving their skills and correcting their errors. We look forward to seeing you at future Discussion Sessions and we¡¯ll continue giving you feedback on how you¡¯ve progressed in using your voice.

If your parent or guardian has any thoughts on this email, tell them they can fill out this 1-minute survey to keep on improving our session feedback.
To the stars (and Mars),
Josh Dahn, cofounder
The analyses and data provided in this email were created using automated systems that adhere to strict privacy and data protection standards.

If you notice any inconsistencies, please inform us so we can continue to improve this program.