Hi David,

On the journey to make any team you¡¯re on better, you¡¯ll practice excellent behaviors that enhance your teamwork. You¡¯ve attended 3 of the past 6 Play sessions. Here¡¯s some feedback on your teamwork in that time:

You complete 63% of your attempted passes.
How well are you coordinating with your teammates?
You contribute 32% of your teams¡¯ points.
On a team, what contribution should each teammate be making?
If you notice that some of your teamwork data is missing or showing at 0%, it is because you have yet to attend and participate in recent PLAY sessions for this game. We look forward to providing you with updated teamwork data as you attend more sessions in the future.

Teamwork Analysis
David, over the past couple of weeks, you have shown growth in several areas of teamwork. Initially, you had a strong base for collaboration, being proactive and adaptive in your approach to teamwork as noted by offering help to teammates and suggesting support measures, as when you said, "I'm gonna help you." Recently, you've continued to express your readiness to act and contribute, with comments like "I'll start going." Additionally, you've displayed signs of understanding team dynamics and strategy, such as recognizing the importance of balanced team roles with "We don't want two people opposed to the heated pool and two supporters." However, there has been little evidence of you expanding upon suggestions or providing unique strategic input beyond agreement and acknowledgment, as reflected in your statements like "Thank you" and "Let's do it and we'll try it quick." In terms of areas for growth, while you have previously shown the ability to remain respectful and maintain a playful tone during disagreements, recent sessions have pointed to a need for further enhancing your conflict resolution skills. You've tended to avoid confrontation with phrases like "It's okay" without following through with active solutions. To strengthen your teamwork, consider more actively mediating conflicts by offering balanced solutions and promoting understanding among teammates. Your adaptability, while previously noted in your ability to adjust to the team's needs, could be better evidenced by showing greater initiative in taking on different roles based on shifting team dynamics, something that future sessions could focus on developing. Feedback incorporation was a highlighted strength in your baseline, as you had shown responsiveness and integration of suggestions from teammates. Yet, recent sessions demonstrate mixed receptiveness; for example, "Yeah, oh yeah, what?" indicates listening, but doesn't showcase how you've acted on feedback provided. Focusing on clearly integrating suggestions into your actions going forward will enhance your capacity for adapting to feedback and will support the team's collective success. Overall, maintaining the same level of enthusiasm, refining your strategy contributions, and elevating your role adaptability and conflict resolution strategies will augment your already commendable teamwork efforts.

Communication Data
David's % of time speaking average each session.
David's average
Average of all students
Reflection for David: How does your voice % in the last 6 sessions compare to the first 6 sessions?

In a few weeks, we¡¯ll give you feedback on how you¡¯ve progressed on your teamwork skills after incorporating this email¡¯s insights. If your parent or guardian has any thoughts on this email, tell them they can fill out this 1-minute survey to keep on improving our session feedback.
To the stars (and Mars),
Josh Dahn, cofounder
The analyses and data provided in this email were created using automated systems that adhere to strict privacy and data protection standards.

If you notice any inconsistencies, please inform us so we can continue to improve this program.