Hi Andrew,

On the journey to make any team you¡¯re on better, you¡¯ll practice excellent behaviors that enhance your teamwork. The Synthesis Mission Brief contains your teamwork challenge for this week.

You've attended Play in 3 of the last 3 weeks.
Here¡¯s some feedback on your teamwork in Play in recent weeks:

You complete 80% of your attempted passes.
How well are you coordinating with your teammates?
You use 87% of your share of the team's allotted actions.
How many actions should each player take?
You contribute 27% of your teams¡¯ points.
On a team, what contribution should each teammate be making?
If you notice that some of your teamwork data is missing or showing at 0%, it is because you have yet to attend and participate in recent PLAY sessions for this game. We look forward to providing you with updated teamwork data as you attend more sessions in the future.

Teamwork Analysis
Andrew, the graphs above show different ways that you have contributed to and coordinated with your teams in the various games. In addition to that data, we have noticed that you often engage actively with your teammates and contribute to your team's objectives. You've shown signs of leadership and a knack for rallying your teammates with encouraging words such as "Go go go go go down. Okay." However, there are moments where the clarity of your strategy could be improved, shown by statements like "Yeah, so this is why I don't like speeches that much. Don't use speeches," which suggest a recognition of non-effective strategies, but lack the provision of clear, constructive alternatives. This indicates that although you're eager to guide, providing more direct and detailed instructions could be beneficial for your team. When it comes to working out team disagreements or changes in strategy, your approach is sometimes direct, but can come across as dismissive rather than collaborative. For instance, saying "No, don't wait! Don't wait!" quickly shuts down a teammate's suggestion without exploring it further. To bolster your teamwork skills, remember that every team member's idea is valuable; try to engage more with suggestions by discussing their pros and cons before deciding. Additionally, your adaptability shows promise¡ªyou often take on varied tasks as needed¡ªbut might sometimes seem inflexible. Balancing taking initiative with remaining open to alternative methods would enhance your collaboration skills. Lastly, it's important to consider how you react to your teammates' feedback. You have displayed a willingness to incorporate suggestions like responding "Okay, [teammate]!" showing openness to joint strategy. Growing in this aspect involves not just acknowledging, but also engaging with feedback to show your teammates that you value their perspectives. This could look like discussing the feedback out loud or offering specific adjustments based on the input received. Overall, Andrew, while you often display positive contributions to your team¡¯s efforts and demonstrate enthusiasm and adaptability, there are opportunities to further enhance your teamwork skills through clearer communication, constructive conflict resolution, and more active engagement with feedback.

Communication Data
Andrew's % of time speaking average each session.
Andrew's average
Average of all students
Reflection for Andrew: How does your voice % in the last 6 sessions compare to the first 6 sessions?
We are recalculating our voice metric data to generate a more accurate baseline. If the red baseline (average of all students) looks unusual this week it is due to those recalculations. Your child's average speaking time data is correct. This metric will be fully normalized by the next feedback cycle.

In a few weeks, we¡¯ll give you feedback on how you¡¯ve progressed on your teamwork skills after incorporating this email¡¯s insights. If your parent or guardian has any thoughts on this email, tell them they can fill out this 1-minute survey to keep on improving our session feedback.