Hi Charley,

On the journey to make any team you¡¯re on better, you¡¯ll practice excellent behaviors that enhance your teamwork. The Synthesis Mission Brief contains your teamwork challenge for this week. Get ready to work on clear communication--it's Hyperball time!

You've attended Play in 3 of the last 3 weeks. Here¡¯s some feedback on your teamwork in that time:
You use 93% of your share of the team's allotted actions.
How many actions should each player take?
You contribute 37% of your teams¡¯ actions.
What contribution should each player make to the team?

If you notice that some of your teamwork data is missing or showing at 0%, it is because you have yet to attend and participate in recent PLAY sessions for this game. We look forward to providing you with updated teamwork data as you attend more sessions in the future.

Teamwork Analysis
Charley, the graphs above show different ways that you have contributed to and coordinated with your teams in the various games. In addition to that data, here are some observations about your participation and communication within your teams: You consistently demonstrate leadership and strategic thinking, often taking the initiative to guide your team. For example, you confidently assign roles and encourage teamwork with phrases like, "I'm gonna be the bottom [zapper]," and "Come on guys, we can do this!" These statements show that you are proactive in maintaining team focus and morale. Additionally, your clear instructions, such as, "I'm charging the battery," and "Don't [zap] them all at once. [Zap] them separately," provide valuable direction and help keep your teammates organized. This proactive communication style is crucial for effective team coordination and ensures that everyone knows their responsibilities. However, there are areas where you can improve to become an even better team player. At times, your feedback can come across as critical, like when you said, "You're so bad at aiming, [Teammate]," or "[Teammate], what are you doing?" A helpful strategy could be to offer constructive and supportive feedback instead, such as, "Let's practice aiming together," or "Can someone share their ideas on how we can improve?" Additionally, incorporating your teammates' input into your strategies will make your team feel more included and valued. Phrases like, "What do you think, team?" or "Any suggestions on this plan?" can encourage a more collaborative environment. Remember, teamwork is not just about taking charge but also about listening and adapting based on everyone¡¯s contributions.

Communication Data
Charley's % of time speaking average each session.
Charley Week 1
Charley Week 2
Charley Week 3
Average of all students
Reflection for Charley: How does your voice % in the last 6 sessions compare to the first 6 sessions?

In a few weeks, we¡¯ll give you feedback on how you¡¯ve progressed on your teamwork skills after incorporating this email¡¯s insights. If your parent or guardian has any questions or comments about this email, tell them they can fill out this 1-minute survey to help us keep on improving our session feedback.
To the stars (and Mars),
Josh Dahn, cofounder
The analyses and data provided in this email were created using automated systems that adhere to strict privacy and data protection standards.

If you notice any inconsistencies, please inform us so we can continue to improve this program.