
今天凌晨,我收到了一封标题为“Exciting news from the STARS College Network!”的邮件,这让我感到无比激动和振奋。STARS大学网络的成员数量将在今年翻倍,扩展至全美32所著名学府。这一消息不仅代表着网络影响力的扩大,更意味着教育公平和国际学生将迎来更多的机会和支持。




  1. Amherst College – 阿默斯特学院
  2. Auburn University – 奥本大学
  3. Dartmouth College – 达特茅斯学院
  4. Duke University – 杜克大学
  5. Georgia Institute of Technology – 佐治亚理工学院
  6. Southern Methodist University – 南方卫理公会大学
  7. Spelman College – 斯佩尔曼学院
  8. Stanford University – 斯坦福大学
  9. University of Alabama – 阿拉巴马大学
  10. University of Arizona – 亚利桑那大学
  11. University of Arkansas – 阿肯色大学
  12. University of California, Berkeley – 加州大学伯克利分校
  13. University of Denver – 丹佛大学
  14. University of Notre Dame – 圣母大学
  15. University of South Carolina – 南卡罗来纳大学
  16. The University of Texas at Austin – 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校


  1. Brown University – 布朗大学
  2. California Institute of Technology – 加州理工学院
  3. Case Western Reserve University – 凯斯西储大学
  4. Colby College – 科尔比学院
  5. Columbia University – 哥伦比亚大学
  6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 麻省理工学院
  7. Northwestern University – 西北大学
  8. The Ohio State University – 俄亥俄州立大学
  9. University of Chicago – 芝加哥大学
  10. University of Iowa – 爱荷华大学
  11. University of Maryland – 马里兰大学
  12. University of Southern California – 南加州大学
  13. University of Wisconsin-Madison – 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校
  14. Vanderbilt University – 范德堡大学
  15. Washington University in St. Louis – 圣路易斯华盛顿大学
  16. Yale University – 耶鲁大学



STARS大学网络与可汗学院(Khan Academy)和Schoolhouse.world的合作,标志着一个全新教育计划的开始。这一计划旨在为小城镇和农村地区的学生提供大学水平的数学课程准备。通过这项合作,STARS网络将利用可汗学院和Schoolhouse.world的平台和资源,提供免费的课程和辅导,帮助学生填补数学知识的空白,为他们未来的大学生活做好准备。






Email: Exciting news from the STARS College Network! 

We’re excited to announce that the STARS College Network is doubling its membership this year to include 32 of the nation’s most prominent institutions!

The STARS College Networks is a group of leading colleges and universities working together to increase access, affordability, and college advising for students from rural and small-town communities who bring valuable experiences and viewpoints to college communities. STARS College Network member institutions are dedicated to bringing the nation’s best and brightest, no matter where they live, to a school that is the best fit for them.

In its first year, STARS:

  • Visited more than 1,100 rural high schools in 49 states to provide college access programming
  • Gave rural and small-town high school students and educators opportunities to experience STARS college campuses first-hand through free drive-in, fly-in, and summer programs
  • Provided monthly virtual panels with college admissions staff from Network schools, with topics designed to meet students wherever they are in the college search process
  • Partnered with Khan Academy and certified college tutors at to help students build math skills and obtain certifications that enhanced their academic preparation for and success at their future college home
  • Worked with local and national businesses to provide internships and job opportunities for the next generation of rural America
  • Awarded more than $460 million in financial aid to rural and small-town students applying to STARS institutions

Eager to learn more about the new colleges and universities partnered with the STARS College Network? Check out our member page to see the full list of STARS partner schools and the events page to explore upcoming events, both virtual and in-person.

STARS is open to all students, regardless of their grade level! Joining the STARS College Network is easy – all you need to do is fill out a short registration form so that we can keep you updated on upcoming events and programs. All 32 STARS partner schools are excited for the opportunity to get to know you better!