Synthesis Week 9/23

在本周的 Synthesis 学院(9月23日~29日),精彩不断。“自然选举”游戏让学生们思考玩家的动机,从威望、创造力到知识,三种激励方式激发团队竞争。同时,关于激励因素的讨论深入探索动机心理学,带领学生思考何种奖励能在高风险下带来最佳结果。快来加入这场充满挑战与思考的学习之旅吧。

游戏 | Play
自然选举 | Natural Election

在 “自然选举” 的政治中,竞选活动的动机是让他们的动物候选人当选市长。但是玩家的动机是什么呢?在本周的课程中,我们创造了三种激励方式来激励团队登上排行榜:威望 —— 在下一期任务简报中被提及;创造力 —— 有机会在未来的游戏中添加一个新的动物群体;知识 —— 与合成学院游戏开发者进行一对一的问答环节。虽然这些机会是为前五名玩家准备的,但这个问题是面向所有合成学院的学生的:什么激励因素能让你发挥出最佳水平?
In the politics of Natural Election, the incentive for campaigns is to have their animal candidate elected as mayor. But what about the incentive for players? In this week’s session, we’ve created three types of incentives to motivate teams onto the leaderboard: prestige — a shoutout in the next Mission Brief; creativity — the chance to add a new animal group into future games; and knowledge — a one-on-one Q&A session with Synthesis game developers. Although these opportunities are for the Top 5 Players, the question is for all Synthesis students: what incentives motivate you to be at your best?

模式:🟢竞争 ⚪合作

GAME: Natural Election
SCENARIO: 3 environments
MODE: 🟢Competitive ⚪Collaborative
Information Analysis, Team Cohesion

反思 | Post-play

Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.

  • 哪种激励因素最能激励你?威望、创造力还是知识?
    Which incentive motivates you the most? Prestige, creativity, or knowledge?
  • 进入本周排行榜的最佳策略是什么?
    What’s the best strategy to break into this week’s leaderboard?

任务简报 | Mission Brief

For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Mission Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:

讨论 | Discussions

激励因素 | Incentives

真正驱使人们采取行动的是什么 —— 奖品、认可还是体验的刺激?本次课程探讨了体育、商业及其他领域的动机心理学。是的,激励因素会塑造行为。但是当风险很高时,哪种激励效果最好呢?本周,学生们探索正确的奖励如何带来正确的结果。
What truly drives people to take action—prizes, recognition, or the thrill of experience? This session explores the psychology of motivation across sports, business, and beyond. Yes, incentives shape behavior. But which kind works best when the stakes are high? This week, students explore how the right reward can lead to the right results.

讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro

For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Discussion Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video: