Synthesis Week 9/30

This week, Synthesis will guide students through the exploration of crisis communication and collaboration skills. From a brand-new division lesson to team discussions simulating survival on a deserted island, students will engage in interactive learning on how to stay calm under pressure and communicate effectively. Whether it’s understanding the parity of numbers or developing strategies to handle crises, these lessons are designed to help children enhance their problem-solving abilities and prepare for future challenges.

游戏 | Play
超级球 | Hyperball

在结束我们的新生营“压力下的沟通”后,我们想确保没有任何Synthesis Teams的成员错过这个重要话题。主题是:当压力升高时,沟通就会受到影响。这是我们每个人都会遇到的情况。解决方法是什么?就是要意识到自己在压力下的反应。有些玩家会变得大声且沮丧;而另一些人则会陷入沉默。本周,我们将给团队两类地图:1)稳定的地图,简单且平衡;2)干扰型地图,复杂且充满冲击性。我们将观察团队沟通方式的变化,并用一线救援人员和职业运动员使用的特定技巧进行指导。
After concluding our new-student camp, “Communication Under Pressure,” we wanted to make sure that no one at Synthesis Teams was left out of this important topic. The thesis? When stress and pressure rise up, communication suffers. That’s happened to all of us. The solution? An awareness of how we act under stress. Some players get loud and frustrated; others shut down into silence. This week, we’ll give teams two types of maps: 1) steady state maps, simple and balanced, and 2) disruptive maps, highly complex and jarring. We’ll be observing how team communication changes, and we’ll be coaching teams with specific techniques used by first responders and professional athletes.

模式:🟢竞争 ⚪合作

GAME: Hyperball
SCENARIO: 5 maps
MODE: 🟢Competitive ⚪Collaborative
Communication Under Pressure

反思 | Post-play

Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.

  • 在干扰期间,哪些沟通方式有效(或无效)?
    What worked (or didn’t) to have effective communication during disruption?
  • 你认为在现实危机中保持冷静需要具备什么条件?
    What do you think it takes to stay composed during a real-world crisis?

任务简报 | Mission Brief

For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Mission Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:

讨论 | Discussions

荒岛求生 | Stranded

Effective communication in a crisis isn’t easy. It requires balancing honesty, empathy, and leadership to make tough decisions. This week, we explore a classic collaborative crisis: being stranded on a desert island. What are the best decisions to prevent misunderstandings, build trust, and help everyone work together? Because even if they’re never literally stranded, students should still be prepared to communicate through the unexpected.

讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro

For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Discussion Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video: