This week, Synthesis lessons guide students in finding the balance between risk and safety. In the Hyperball game, they’ll weigh short-term and long-term risk decisions through team discussions. In the discussion session, students will explore the psychology of risk by analyzing real-world study scenarios. Additionally, the Tutor’s new lesson “Same Difference” introduces a strategy to simplify complex subtraction problems, boosting confidence and providing powerful math tools.
游戏 | Play
超级球 | Hyperball
详情 | Details
理解在冒险与保守之间的平衡有助于孩子们培养关键的决策能力。这是本周Hyperball课程的核心目的。地图上会有高风险、高回报区域,以及低风险、低回报区域。因为团队在争夺Hyperball奖杯,玩家需要讨论哪种风险容忍度在短期和长期内是最佳的。这看似是一场游戏,但实际上,这是一种心理上的练习:权衡选择、应对挑战,从而建立自信。Understanding the balance between being risky and playing it safe helps kids develop critical decision-making skills. That’s the purpose for play in this week’s Hyperball sessions. Maps will have high-risk, high-reward areas as well as low-risk, low-reward areas. And because teams are competing for the Hyperball Trophy, players will have to discuss which risk tolerance is the best both in the short term and in the long term. It may seem like play, but in reality, these are mental repetitions: weighing options, navigating challenges, and as a result, developing confidence.
模式:🟢竞争 ⚪合作
GAME: Hyperball
SCENARIO: 5 arenas
MODE: 🟢Competitive ⚪Collaborative
Risk Analysis
反思 | Post-play
Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.
- 您发现自己更倾向于采用更安全的策略,还是更冒险的策略?
Did you find yourself wanting to have more safe strategies? Or more risky ones? - 在一个有着不同风险容忍度的团队中,关于风险的决策应该如何制定?
On a team with varying tolerances, how should decisions about risk be made?
任务简报 | Mission Brief
For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Mission Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:
讨论 | Discussions
居安思危 | Play It Safe
The reason Synthesis games are designed with risk in mind is because life is full of it. In this week’s Discussion session, six scenarios present students with two options: one is more certain, more safe, but with less on the line; the other is less likely, less sure, but the payoff is bigger. The fun part? These scenarios are drawn from actual psychological studies on risk over the last 20 years. Will students confirm the results? Or has the next generation evolved its stance? We’ll find out.
讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro
For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Discussion Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:
导师 | Tutor
求同存异 | Same Difference
In our newest lesson, your child will discover a powerful strategy for mastering challenging subtraction problems. They’ll use the new Difference Display to uncover how adjusting both numbers equally keeps the “same difference” – allowing them to transform even the trickiest calculations into simpler ones. Through hands-on practice, they’ll begin to develop the confidence and tools needed to tackle numbers of any size. You can find Same Difference in the Subtraction Unit.