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The Magic Crime Conundrum
About Lesson

Hello and welcome to CRIME CONUNDRUMS. I’m your host, THE PUPPETMASTER, and I have a question for you. Imagine this.

A world famous magician hosts a sold out show. At the end of the performance, they offer the crowd an opportunity to join in on their most dramatic trick.

Here’s what the magician says: “If you are wearing a ring, and only if you so dare, raise your hand into the air. At the count of three, I will transform your ordinary gemstone into something much more rare and valuable– a ring transformed by the power of magic!”

Audience members who want to participate raise their hand, and at the count of three, the lights flash off, and rays of light flow from the magician’s hands. When the lights turn back on, the gemstones in the rings have been perfectly replaced with something new: ordinary stones. The crowd is stunned at the incredible feat, the magician ends with a bow, and the show comes to an end.

The magician packs up and heads to the next city with a treasure chest full of diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires.
So, did the magician cross the line? So what do you think: CRIME or NO CRIME?