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The Music Crime Conundrum
About Lesson

Hello and welcome to CRIME CONUNDRUMS. I’m your host, THE PUPPETMASTER, and I have a question for you. Imagine this.

Bella Nova was once one of the most famous and successful musicians on the planet. For the last 10 years, Bella Nova hasn’t released any new music and hasn’t been seen in public.

Then one day, a song that sounds unmistakably like Bella Nova takes the world by storm. In just 24 hours, the new song, released as “Bella Nova by XYZ”, becomes the most streamed song in history: artists reach out to collaborate, companies want to use it in commercials, and a new generation falls in love with Bella’s music.

There’s just one problem: Bella Nova didn’t create the song.

A DJ working out of a garage goes by the name “XYZ” and uses the latest artificial intelligence technology to write the lyrics, generate the beats, play the instruments, and simulate Bella’s iconic voice. The song has already made millions of dollars and stands to make much more. All the money goes directly to XYZ’s bank account, and they are not sharing a cent with anyone else.

So, did XYZ cross the line? What do you think: CRIME or NO CRIME?