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The Pet Crime Conundrum
About Lesson

Hello and welcome to CRIME CONUNDRUMS. I’m your host, THE PUPPETMASTER, and I have a question for you. Imagine this.

PET PALACE is a resort for cats and dogs while their owners are away. They have playgrounds, a spa, a chef, and cozy places to sleep.

When families “check-in” at PET PALACE, they are required to sign a packet of papers. On page 297, it mentions that the dogs and cats will be “monitored using the latest technology.”

So here’s how it works. PET PALACE attaches a microscopic sensor on every guest that stays at the resort. The sensor sends instantaneous data on diet, location, heart rate, blood levels, and emotions. But it also records all the noises the animal hears. This sensor continues to record as long as the sensor is turned on. And PET PALACE never turns the sensors off, even after the dogs and cats leave the hotel.

It turns out that the information collected through the sensors is hugely valuable. PET PALACE sells all of it, including recordings of conversations happening in the homes of the dogs and cats. PET PALACE now has plans to expand globally while collecting (and selling) information on millions of animals and their human families.

So, did the PET PALACE cross the line? What do you think: CRIME or NO CRIME?