[su_spoiler title="【小笑话】Dog tells time"]What type of dog keeps track of time? A watch dog! 哪种狗会看时间? 看门狗! [/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="【精选】Potential means nothing if"]Potential means nothing if you don't do anything with it. 如果你不去利用你的潜能,那么它的存在就毫无意义。 [/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="【精选】Passion is born"]When you catch a glimpse of your potential, that's when passion is born. -- Zig Ziglar 当你瞥见你的潜能之时,你的热情就会诞生。——金克拉 [/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="【精选】Uncover your true potential"]To uncover your true potential you must first find your own limits and then you have to have the courage to blow past them. -- Picabo Street 要发掘自己真正的潜能,你必须先找到自己的极限,然后鼓起勇气去突破它们。——皮卡波·斯特里特 [/su_spoiler]