









  • 2024年10月17-19日在麻省理工学院(MIT)举行的秋季STARS飞行入学项目。学生将有机会从STARS成员学校的招生和财务援助专家那里了解更多关于大学申请过程的信息,探索波士顿的校园和生活,并与现任MIT学生交流,了解他们的大学经历。
  • 2024年10月20-22日在布朗大学举行的秋季STARS飞行入学项目。学生将有机会从STARS成员学校的招生和财务援助专家那里了解更多关于大学申请过程的信息,探索普罗维登斯的校园和生活,并与现任布朗大学学生交流,了解他们的大学经历。
  • 2025年5月4-6日在芝加哥大学举行的春季STARS飞行入学项目。学生将有机会从STARS成员学校的招生和财务援助专家那里了解更多关于大学申请过程的信息,探索芝加哥市和校园生活,并与现任芝加哥大学学生交流,了解他们的大学经历。







Marjorie Betley


Original Email in English

Dear William,

Thank you so much for all you do and the many roles you play in preparing students for their futures! As you continue your important work this fall, we would like to help by sharing an exciting new opportunity that you can offer your students to aid them in their path to college and beyond.

This year Brown University, MIT, and the University of Chicago are working together to offer a series of free fly-in opportunities for your students through the Small Town and Rural Students (STARS) College Network. The STARS College Network is a consortium of 32 colleges and universities across the United States committed to improving access and affordability to higher education for rural and small-town students.

Given your daily work and relentless dedication to supporting our future leaders, we seek your expertise in nominating top juniors at your school to apply for these opportunities. Students from rural and small-town high schools across the United States are eligible for any of the following fly-in programs:

  • The Fall STARS Fly-in at MIT will take place October 17-19, 2024. Students will have the opportunity to learn more about the college application process from admissions and financial aid experts at a wide variety of STARS member schools, explore campus and life in Boston, and meet current MIT students to learn more about their college experiences
  • The Fall STARS Fly-in at Brown University will take place October 20-22, 2024. Students will have the opportunity to learn more about the college application process from admissions and financial aid experts at a wide variety of STARS member schools, explore campus and life in Providence, and meet current Brown students to learn more about their college experiences.
  • The Spring STARS Fly-in at the University of Chicago will take place May 4-6, 2025. Students will have the opportunity to learn more about the college application process from admissions and financial aid experts at a wide variety of STARS member schools, explore the city of Chicago and life on campus, and meet current UChicago students to learn more about their college experiences.

Space for the STARS Fly-in programs is limited and students must be nominated by an educator in order to be considered. Please use this form to nominate as many talented 11th grade students as you’d like – we only require qualified students’ names and email addresses to complete the online nomination form.

Once nominated, students will be prompted to complete a brief application – which includes one short essay and uploading an official or unofficial transcript – by August 23rd. Students will also have the opportunity to rank their preference for which program they would like to attend.

All STARS fly-in programs are free for students, and the programs include funding for travel, transportation to and from the college campus, and all meals and activities during their stay.

Rural and small-town schools represent the overwhelming majority of public-school districts in the United States, and we find it imperative to ensure that these students’ unique viewpoints and abilities are represented on all college campuses, including ours. STARS College Network members are committed to offering all high school students the opportunity to learn more about college, regardless of their geography or ability to pay.

Thank you again for all your hard work this academic year and for sharing this opportunity with your students. We hope to have the chance to meet some of your incredible students on our campuses soon!

Warm regards,

Marjorie Betley
Executive Director of the STARS College Network
