Synthesis Week 10/14

本周,Synthesis 将带领学生们通过 Polis 游戏探索早期决策的艺术,以及在面对多条同样崇高的光明坦途间如何择优而行。学生们将在实践中学习多步骤决策和权衡的技能,同时在讨论环节中深入探讨如何在正确与正确之间做出艰难的抉择。
This week, Synthesis guides students through the art of early decision-making in the game Polis, exploring how to choose between multiple noble paths. Students will practice multi-step decision-making and trade-off skills, while also diving into discussions on how to make tough choices between equally good and ethical options.

游戏 | Play
城邦 | Polis

“城邦” 是一款关于早期决策的游戏:是向左、向右还是居中建造?是分开行动还是团结一致?是早早下定决心还是后期再做调整?就像生活中的许多决定一样,并不总是存在“对与错”——有时有两条同样高尚的道路、两个同样可行的选择。这不仅仅体现在 Polis 游戏中。本周的“组合”更新为学生们提供了一款新游戏,一款超越其他游戏的游戏。通过构建自己的组合、精心策划他们的成就并获得推荐,学生们的决策将更专注于最重要的地方:他们的个人成长。
Polis is a game of early decisions: whether to build left, right, or center; whether to split up or stick together; whether to commit early or adapt later. And just like many of life’s decisions, there is not always a “right and wrong” — sometimes, there are two noble paths, two equally viable options. That’s not just in Polis, either. With the new “portfolio” update this week, students have a new game to play, a game above the other games. By building up their portfolio, curating their achievements, and earning endorsements, your student’s decisions will be focused where they matter most: on their individual growth.

模式:⚪竞争 🟢合作

GAME: Polis
SCENARIO: 4 maps
MODE: ⚪Competitive 🟢Collaborative
Multi-step decision-makeing, Tradeoffs

反思 | Post-play

Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.

  • 当有两条崇高的光明坦途时,你如何知道应该选择哪一条?
    When there are two noble paths, how do you know which one to take?
  • 本周的课程中有哪些成就与你产生了共鸣?
    What achievements connect with this week’s session?

任务简报 | Mission Brief

For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Mission Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:

讨论 | Discussions

择优而行 | Right of Way

Making decisions is easier when one option is bad, or wrong, or unethical. It’s much harder when both options are good, and right, and ethical. In that case, how do we decide between two noble paths? Which gets the right of way? Whether it’s honesty vs. loyalty, privacy vs. safety, or justice vs. mercy, this discussion is certain to surface a variety of diverse opinions — and that’s the point. No right or wrong answers here, just interesting conversations with kids from around the world.

讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro

For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Discussion Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video: