Synthesis Week 8/12

This week’s team game “Batteries Not Included” teaches students to distinguish between needs and wants under limited resources, testing their teamwork and calm communication under pressure.

The discussion session guides students to explore the theme of “Needs vs. Wants”, helping them make better decisions when resources are limited.

游戏 | Play
电池未含 | Batteries Not Included

Early success feels good, but the downside is complacency. This week, each scenario in Batteries Not Included will send obstacles to teams at increasing frequency. They’ll be able to win the first few with standard effort, but when the pressure rises, teams will need perseverance and focus to maintain efficacy.

模式:⚪竞争 🟢合作

GAME: Batteries Not Included
SCENARIO: 5 maps
MODE: ⚪Competitive 🟢Collaborative
Staying Calm Under Pressure

反思 | Post-play

Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.

  • 当事情变得困难时,你(或你的队友)有没有感到想放弃?你是如何应对的?
    Did you (or your teammates) ever feel like giving up when things got hard? What did you do?
  • 压力增加对你和你的团队有什么影响?你们保持了冷静还是失去了冷静?
    How did the increased pressure affect you and your team? Did you keep calm or lose your cool?

任务简报 | Mission Brief

For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Mission Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:

讨论 | Discussions

需求与欲望 | Needs or Wants

Considering the difference between “needs” and “wants” can help students make smarter decisions. Later in life, distinguishing between essentials and luxuries can help them better manage their finances and navigate life’s complex choices. The scenarios this week are fictional, as always. But the concept is as real as it gets.

讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro

For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Discussion Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:


导师 | Tutor

速度分类 | Speed Sorting


Ready, Set, Sort! Speed Sorting is a fast-paced division challenge where your student races the clock to group the dots and solve as many problems as they can before time runs out. Your student will exercise their recall of division facts and have to think strategically to stay ahead of the clock as some solutions are faster than others. Speed Sorting is available in the Multiplication and Division Unit.

闪卡狂热:乘法 – 钻石模式 | Flashcard Frenzy: Multiply – Diamond Mode


Your student has been working up to Gold status on their multiplication facts, answering questions correctly in under 3 seconds. But the Tutor wants to take it a step further to really ensure your student is locked in on their times tables. Enter Diamond Mode. To reach Diamond status on a card, your student will need to answer it quickly, correctly, and consistently. A gold card means you knew it in the moment, but diamonds are forever. The updated version of Flashcard Frenzy: Multiply can be found in the Multiplication and Division Unit.