This week, Synthesis focuses on strategic thinking and unpredictable events. In the “Proxima” game, students will learn how to optimize resource management, explore different planetary development strategies, and adapt to evolving challenges. In the discussion session, they will confront “Black Swan” events—rare but highly impactful crises. This experience will sharpen their decision-making skills and critical thinking.

游戏 | Play
比邻星 | Proxima
详情 | Details
This week, “Proxima” is not just a game—it’s a hands-on lesson in resource optimization and strategic planning. Each map teaches a key concept:
- 耕种的重要性——如何最大化资源收益
The importance of cultivation—maximizing resource production - 税务卫星的作用——理解经济系统的影响
The role of tax satellites—understanding economic systems - 改造行星——让不可居住的星球适合人类生存
Making planets habitable—turning uninhabitable worlds into livable ones - 相互生长卫星——探索复杂的连锁效应
Intergrowth satellites—exploring complex chain reactions - 日食的影响——如何适应环境突变
The impact of eclipses—adapting to environmental shifts
Students are encouraged to play with a learning mindset, ask questions, test assumptions, and prepare for harder challenges ahead.
模式:⚪ 竞争 🟢 合作
GAME: Proxima
SCENARIO: Galactic resource development and management
MODE: ⚪ Competitive 🟢 Collaborative
Resource Optimization
Strategic Thinking
Environmental Adaptability
反思 | Post-play
Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child:
- 哪个策略在游戏中最有效?为什么?
Which strategy was the most effective in the game? Why? - 你如何调整策略以适应不可预测的挑战?
How did you adjust your strategy to adapt to unpredictable challenges?
任务简报 | Mission Brief
For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Mission Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:

讨论 | Discussion
隐性成本 | Hidden Costs
This week’s discussion focuses on “Black Swan” events—situations that are highly unlikely but have massive consequences if they occur. Students will analyze fictional scenarios and tackle a real-world Black Swan problem, one that they may have to face as adults. The session isn’t just about finding answers—it’s about asking the right questions. Great teams don’t just solve problems; they identify the most critical questions to ask.
讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro
For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Discussion Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video: