1月15日~1月21日 | Jan 15 – Jan 21
Starting this Saturday, January 20th, we’re opening up a new Play time slot on Saturdays. It will be from 4-5 PMPacific Time.
We also have some brand-new challenges and discussions for your child to enjoy this week.
游戏 | Play
电池未含 | Batteries Not Included
详情 | Details
本周在游戏中我们有一些非常特别的东西:即将推出的游戏《电池未含》BNI(Batteries Not Included)的测试版本。BNI是我们迄今为止规模最大的游戏项目之一,自7月以来我们一直有专门的团队致力于此项目!
This week we have something very special in Play: the beta version of our upcoming game, Batteries Not Included (BNI). BNI is one of our largest game projects to date, one we’ve had a dedicated team working on since July!
And why have we spent the last six monthsmaking this project? Because we’ve crafted it from the ground up as a hyper-collaborative experienceunlike any other we’ve offered so far.
In BNI, students participate in a futuristic game show. They control robots who must defend their base against pesky computer viruses, all the while sending their own to drain the other team’s generators. It requires the team to coordinate tasks, take on roles,and define a winning strategyin an environment where every second counts.
We’re looking forward to collecting feedback from students on this beta version and making it even better before our official launch next month, so feel free to let us know what they think!

模式:🟢竞争 ⚪合作
GAME: Batteries Not Included
SCENARIO: 6 scenarios, featuring both separated and shared base structures
MODE: 🟢Competitive ⚪Collaborative
Clarity and Consiseness
Role Adaptability
Rapid Decision Making
Heuristic Thinking
反思 | Post-play
Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.
- 告诉我一下这周的新游戏《电池未含》。
Tell me about the new game this week, Batteries Not Included. - 在游戏中,你们的团队是如何决定谁执行哪项任务的?
How did your team decide who did which task during the game? - 在这个游戏中,良好的沟通有多重要?为什么?
How important is good communication in this game? Why?
讨论 | Discussions
共情的困境 | Dilemmas in Empathy
Empathy can be complicated. All the scenarios this week are about helping others, but there’s a downside to each option. So the question isn’t just, should we help others? The question is, should we always help others, or are there scenarios in which our individual needs are more important?
We’ll let students compare their overall answers with the results from our parent survey. Here’s how students reacted to last week’s parent vs. student results on “cooperation vs. competition.”