Synthesis Week 6/10

Synthesis Teams | 团队:
Our Play and Discussion sessions will dive into team cohesion this week.

Synthesis Tutor | 导师:
We have some new multiplication Tutor lessons for your child to enjoy.

游戏 | Play
超级球 | Hyperball

详情 | Details

This week, teams compete for the Hyperball Trophy, but the secret to success isn’t just in wins or losses. Just like in real-world organizations, teams that have cohesion and integration will outperform teams that show division and fragmentation. Students will have to pay attention to the actions in the game, yes. But they’ll also need to pay attention to their own actions, their own words, and evaluate the effect they’re having to help make their teams better. It’s a practice they can start now, while they’re young, so that it’s locked in later, when they need it most.

模式:🟢竞争 ⚪合作

GAME: Hyperball
SCENARIO: 6 maps
MODE: 🟢Competitive ⚪Collaborative
Clear Communication
Quick Decision Making

反思 | Post-play

Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.

  • 您的团队表现出更多的凝聚力还是更多的分裂?无论哪种情况,是什么导致了这种结果?
    Did your teams show more cohesion or more division? Either way, what caused that outcome?
  • 回想一下您自己的言辞。您多频繁地提出建议和批评?您多频繁地向队友表示支持?
    Think back to your own words. How often were you offering suggestions and criticisms? How often were you showing support to your teammates?

任务简报 | Mission Brief


讨论 | Discussions

以小见大 | Small Changes, Big Impact

One drop may not change the course of an entire ocean, but drops make waves, and waves grow larger. The lesson? Small actions can add up to a big effect. This week, we examine scenarios where slight changes can make or break the end result. We’ll look at examples from restaurants, sports, and even Synthesis to ask the same essential question: what small change can have the biggest impact?

讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro


导师 | Tutor
新课程 | New Lesson

乘法谜题 | Product Puzzles

Step up to the challenge with our new game, Product Puzzles. To solve the increasingly complex puzzles, your student will need to deploy a combination of critical thinking, problem-solving, and knowledge of their multiplication facts. Product Puzzles awaits in our Multiplication and Division Unit.

乘法谜题 | Flashcard Frenzy: Multiply

With summer upon us, there’s no better way for your student to keep their multiplication fluency fresh and get ahead for the next school year. Jump into Flashcard Frenzy: Multiply and watch your student’s multiplication fluency take off. As they work to fill their progress bar with gold, answering each question in under 2 seconds, the Tutor will unlock more flashcards and more practice until your student is a multiplication master. And while they work, don’t forget to jam out to the Tutor’s carefully curated playlist. Who knew the vibes could be this good while practicing multiplication? Flashcard Frenzy: Multiply can be found in our Multiplication and Division Unit.