在本周的 Teams 课程中,我们将探索获取优势和进步与传统的概念。
We’ll explore the concepts of gaining advantages and progress vs. tradition in this week’s Teams sessions.
We’ll also open new, permanent Play times (PT) on Saturdays from 6am-7am and 5pm-6pm starting on August 10th.
游戏 | Play
超级球 | Hyperball
详情 | Details
当团队实力相当时,规划的问题从一个简单的“我们的策略是什么?”,转变为更复杂的“我们如何获得优势?”。在超级球这款需要快速决策的快节奏游戏中,想要在下周的超级球奖杯比赛中占据优势的团队需要关注基本功:团队合作和沟通。受挫的团队可能会分崩离析,而冷静沟通的团队则能保持凝聚力。即使是成年人,这些都是通过经验最好学到的教训。Synthesis 的学生们正在抢先一步。
When teams are evenly matched, the planning switches from a simple question, “What’s our strategy?” to a more complicated one: “How can we gain an edge?” In Hyperball, a fast-moving game of quick decisions, teams that want to gain an edge for next week’s Hyperball Trophy competition will need to focus on the fundamentals: teamwork and communication. Teams that get frustrated can fragment. Teams that communicate calmly stay cohesive. These are lessons best learned by experience, even for adults. Synthesis students are getting a head start.
模式:🟢竞争 ⚪合作
GAME: Hyperball
SCENARIO: 6 maps
MODE: 🟢Competitive ⚪Collaborative
Team Alignment
Calm Communication
反思 | Post-play
Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.
- 当团队实力基本相当时,如何获得优势?
When teams are basically equal, how can one gain an advantage? - 当压力增大时,您的团队沟通方式如何变化?
How did your team’s communication change when the pressure got higher?
任务简报 | Mission Brief
讨论 | Discussions
进步与传统 | Progress vs. Tradition
超级球是一款变化迅速的游戏,而在本周的讨论课程中,学生们将探索另一个领域的变化:他们自己的观点。这是一个经典的冲突:是为了进步而筑坝,还是为了传统而保持山谷。然而,目标不是马上做决定。而是学生们将听取来自各方利益相关者的“证词”。目标是保持开放的心态,愿意接受不同的观点,并在收到所有证据之前不做判断。这不仅是 Synthesis 的一个好习惯,也是生活中的一个好习惯。
Hyperball is a game that changes rapidly, and in this week’s Discussion session, students explore change in another domain: their own perspective. The conflict is classic: whether to dam a river in the name of progress, or maintain the valley in the name of tradition. The goal, however, is not to decide right away. Instead, students will hear “testimony” from various stakeholders. The goal will be to keep an open mind, be willing to entertain different perspectives, and withold judgement until all evidence has been received. It’s a worthy habit, not only for Synthesis, but for life in general.