Synthesis Week 7/29

We’ll explore the concept of fairness and the tradeoffs between having advantages and disadvantages.

We’ll also open new, permanent Play times (PT) on Saturdays from 6am-7am and 5pm-6pm starting on August 10th.

游戏 | Play
超级球 | Hyperball

详情 | Details

This week’s Hyperball scenarios are asymmetrical, which means the team advantage changes at halftime. We’ve designed it that way so that teams will encounter two conflicting forces: 1) the downhill of advantage, which makes it easier to be calm and supportive; and 2) the uphill of disadvantage, which puts pressure on teamwork and communication. Coaches this week will be helping teams analyze their stress responses. After all, life isn’t always easy, and neither is Synthesis, but how we act under stress is part of what defines our character.

模式:🟢竞争 ⚪合作

GAME: Hyperball
SCENARIO: 6 maps
MODE: 🟢Competitive ⚪Collaborative
Rapid Decision Making
Stress Response

反思 | Post-play

Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.

  • 当地图给你们团队带来优势时,你们团队的表现如何?
    How did your team act when the map gave you the advantage?
  • 当地图使你们团队处于劣势时,你们团队的表现如何?
    How did your team act when the map put you at a disadvantage?

任务简报 | Mission Brief

For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Mission Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:

讨论 | Discussions

罪有应得 | Punishment Fits the Crime

Hyperball is a game that changes rapidly, and in this week’s Discussion session, students explore change in another domain: their own perspective. The conflict is classic: whether to dam a river in the name of progress, or maintain the valley in the name of tradition. The goal, however, is not to decide right away. Instead, students will hear “testimony” from various stakeholders. The goal will be to keep an open mind, be willing to entertain different perspectives, and withold judgement until all evidence has been received. It’s a worthy habit, not only for Synthesis, but for life in general.

讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro

For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Discussion Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:
