Synthesis: 备用方案

在现实世界中,很多问题没有标准答案,也没有清晰的说明书,需要我们通过探索、分析和团队协作来找出最佳解决方案。本周,我们将通过全新游戏 《疯狂小鸭》(Ducks Amok),锻炼信息整合(Sensemaking)团队策略的能力。同时,在讨论环节,学生们将学习如何制定备用方案(Fallback Positions),确保在计划遇到变数时仍能保持主动。这不仅是 Synthesis 的核心挑战,更是一种面对复杂世界的重要思维方式! 🌍🚀

In the real world, many problems don’t come with clear instructions or standard answers. We must explore, analyze, and collaborate to find the best solutions. This week, through our new game Ducks Amok, students will develop their sensemaking and team strategy skills. Meanwhile, in our discussion session, they will learn how to create fallback positions—contingency plans to stay in control when things don’t go as expected. This is not just a Synthesis challenge—it’s a vital mindset for navigating a complex world! 🌍🚀

3月10日~16日 | March 10 – 16

🎮 游戏 | Play
🦆 疯狂小鸭 | Ducks Amok

详情 | Details

我们很高兴推出全新游戏——疯狂小鸭(Ducks Amok) 🎉(这个名字由一位 Synthesis 学生在游戏设计营中命名)。这款游戏需要运用两种思维方式:团队需要先制定短期计划,然后在每轮之间调整长期策略。但首先,他们需要学会如何玩。毕竟,生活中的问题不会附带完整的说明书,我们的游戏也是如此。
We’re excited to release our newest game, Ducks Amok (named by a Synthesis student during Game Design Camp). It’s a game that works both types of thinking: teams will need to coordinate short-term plans, then switch their brains to discuss long-term strategy between rounds. But first, they need to learn the game. Because life’s problems don’t come with complete instructions. And neither do our games.

🎮 游戏:疯狂小鸭
🗺 场景:4张地图
🎭 模式:🟢竞争 ⚪合作
🧠 主要技能:
➕ 理解与信息整合
➕ 信息共享

🎮 GAME: Ducks Amok
🗺 SCENARIO: 4 maps
🎭 MODE: 🟢Competitive ⚪Collaborative
➕ Sensemaking
➕ Sharing information

🔎赛后反思 | Post-play

Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.

  • 你是如何去理解一个全新的事物的?
    What’s your process to figure out something new?
  • 你对新游戏的第一印象是什么?它与其他游戏有什么相似或不同之处?
    What was your impression of the new game? How is it similar or different from the others?

📋 任务简报 | Mission Brief

For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Mission Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video:

💡讨论 | Discussions

Astra、Atlantis and Silvana | Fallback Positions

When we make decisions, we hope things will go according to plan. But when they don’t, we need “fallback positions,” second- and third-level contingencies. This week, students see scenarios with three options. They won’t just choose “the best” — they’ll also arrange their two fallbacks. Why? Because getting in this habit isn’t just helpful at Synthesis. It’s a healthy habit for the rest of their lives.

📋 讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro

For the curious parent, you can watch the pre-session Discussion Brief the students see this week by clicking on this video: