
【小笑话】Pop Jokes 小笑话 25
What suit lasts longer than you do? A lawsuit.

【精选】Love yourself 爱自己 1
Be yourself. Accept yourself. Value yourself. Forgive yourself. Bless yourself. Express yourself. Trust yourself. Love yourself. Empower yourself. – Lupytha Hermin

【精选】Love yourself 爱自己 2
Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are feeling, love yourself for feeling it. — Thaddeus Golas
无论你在做什么,爱上自己所做的;无论你有什么感受,爱上自己的感受。——赛迪斯· 葛拉斯

【精选】Love yourself 爱自己 3
Learn to love yourself first, instead of loving the idea of other people loving you.