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The Hotel Crime Conundrum
About Lesson

Hello and welcome to CRIME CONUNDRUMS. I’m your host, THE PUPPETMASTER, and I have a question for you. Imagine this.

There is an abandoned lumber factory in a scenic national park. A company wants to turn the old building into a new hotel.

If the hotel is built, hundreds of jobs will be created, but it will destroy the habitat of the ASTRAMITE, a critically endangered six-legged, six-winged, six-eyed insect who feasts on the old wood of the factory.

The company just needs one last approval from the government’s Wildlife Agency who are responsible for protecting plants and animals in the park.
Before the vote, the company’s leaders take the Wildlife Agency members out to a fancy dinner and send them home with a gift: free V.I.P rooms for the grand opening of the hotel. The next day, every Wildlife Agency member votes “yes” on the hotel project, and construction begins.

One year later, the hotel is finished, and the members of the Wildlife Agency attend the grand opening party as special guests. Days later, scientists try to study the hotel’s effect on the ASTRAMITE, but there are none to be found. The ASTRAMITE is officially extinct.

So, did the members of the Wildlife Agency cross the line? What do you think? CRIME or NO CRIME?