We’re opening new weekly Play times on Mondays from 10am-12pm PT and Fridays from 1pm-3pm PT starting today. We hope to see your child there! Play sessions also start punctually, so remember to log in on time – full details are available in last week’s “This Week at Synthesis” email. This week, we have a Hyperball house tournament and new Discussion scenarios.
在 Tutor 系统中,本周更新了课程:乘法网格-闪电模式。乘法网格有了新的挑战——如果您的学生持续正确回答乘法问题,他们可以选择进入全自适应的闪电模式,以提高他们的乘法流畅度和自动性。
This week with Synthesis Tutor, we have a lesson update we hope your child enjoys. Multiplication Griddy – Lightning Mode: The Multiplication Griddy has a new challenge. If your student consistently answers their multiplication facts correctly, they can opt into a fully adaptive lightning mode to build their multiplication fluency and automaticity.
游戏 | Play
超级球 | Hyperball
详情 | Details
The race is on! For the next two weeks, students will compete for the Hyperball Trophy — a first-ever event at Synthesis.
Instead of just playing as a single team, students will play as a “house,” a collection of teams that work together, play together, and help each other. It’s a way for them to build community and see friends more consistently — and it’s an opportunity to help their house land at the top of the leaderboard.

模式:🟢竞争 ⚪合作
GAME: Hyperball
SCENARIO: 6 new “mutating scenarios”
MODE: 🟢Competitive ⚪Collaborative
Rapid Decision Making
Clear Communication
反思 | Post-play
Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.
- 与玩其他Synthesis游戏相比,玩超级球时你的大脑感觉如何?
How does your brain feel playing Hyperball compared to playing other Synthesis games? - 你认为帮助你的房屋赢得超级球奖杯的关键是什么?
What do you think is the key to helping your house win the Hyperball Trophy?
讨论 | Discussions
最重要的是什么? | What Matters Most?
Whether it’s winning the Hyperball Trophy or acing an exam, kids have priorities, the things that matter most to them. But when their priorities compete, how do they choose the most important one? It’s a good question for adults, too.
This week, we ask students to rank their priorities — will they balance ethics and profit in the business realm, ensure personal safety while confronting bullies, and trade cost for quality in fashion? What priority will they put first, second, and third? There are no right or wrong answers here, just opportunities for teams to explain what matters most to them.

导师系统 | Tutor
Multiplication Griddy – Lightning Mode
The Multiplication Griddy has a new challenge. If your student consistently answers their multiplication facts correctly, they can opt into a fully adaptive lightning mode to build their multiplication fluency and automaticity. In this mode, your student will aim to score a personal best time for each multiplication problem. Can they fill the board with lightning bolts by answering each question in under two seconds? With this newest update, we believe the Multiplication Griddy is the best way to learn and practice multiplication tables for beginners and experts alike.