We now have extra weekly Play times. Some users in European or Asian countries with a recent time change should note that Synthesis sessions may start earlier or later than they have in recent months. Check your Portal for the official times.
We have an update on this week’s Hyperball tournament and an exciting Discussion topic this week.
对于 Synthesis 导师系统,我们本周为您的孩子准备了一堂新课。位的练习:可以在数字和地点价值单元中找到。了解更多关于地方实践的信息。
For Synthesis Tutor, we have a new lesson for your child to dive into this week. The Practice of Place: can be found in the Numbers and Place Value unit. Learn more about The Practice of Place.
游戏 | Play
超级球 | Hyperball
详情 | Details
We’re through the first week of our first-ever Hyperball Trophy tournament, and the results are neck and neck: Unnamed Planet Z is leading by only 1%. But Synthesis kids don’t give up, and everything could change this week based on how teams adapt.
The focus this week is on ownership. What responsibility do players have to themselves, their team, and their larger community? It’s our way of showing students that small actions can compound into larger consequences — whether that’s winning a game or helping teammates feel better after a loss. As we move forward, we’ll create more opportunities like these that build a sense of community around shared challenges (including naming the unnamed planets…).

模式:🟢竞争 ⚪合作
GAME: Hyperball
SCENARIO: 6 new “mutating scenarios”
MODE: 🟢Competitive ⚪Collaborative
Rapid Decision Making
Clear Communication
反思 | Post-play
Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.
- 您的House队友今天的情绪如何?您是否有所添加或寻求改变?
What was the mood of your house teammates today? Did you add to it or seek to change it? - 如果您要为您的House星球命名,那会是什么?
If you were to come up with a name for your house’s planet, what would it be?
讨论 | Discussions
不是我的问题吗? | Not My Problem?
As players form Synthesis teams, and teams form Synthesis planets, the question of “who is responsible” for wins and losses can become muddy. In this week’s Discussion session, we further the conversation about the topic of ownership.
从体育比赛中的失误,到创业公司的成功,再到确保公共安全,责任是否落在个人、领导者还是整个团队身上?在每种情况下,其中一个选项是“你” ——学生。他们会选择多久来承担(或转移)责任?
From missed shots in sports, to the success of startups, to ensuring public safety, does responsibility fall on the individual, the leader, or the whole team? In each scenario, one of the options is “you” — the student. How often will they choose to take (or shift) responsibility?
Either way, there are no right or wrong answers, just interesting conversations with kids from around the world.

导师系统 | Tutor
位的练习 | The Practice of Place
In this new game your student will flex their place value skills. With five different types of questions and problem sets that go to the millions, a high score in this game will translate to a complete mastery of all place value related standards in the elementary math curriculum. The Practice of Place can be found in the Numbers and Place Value unit.