Synthesis Teams | 团队:
We have a Synthesis-wide challenge in Play and brand new Discussion topics.
Synthesis Tutor | 导师:
We have a brand new lesson for your child to enjoy.
游戏 | Play
比邻星 | Proxima
详情 | Details
Teams come in all sizes. And while Synthesis students get lots of competitive practice in small (3-4 people) and medium (5-6) teams, we also want them to know what it feels like to contribute to the good, to bridge differences, and face big challenges together.
So this week, it’s not “team vs. team.” It’s all for one, and one for all. Synthesis planets will unify against an alien blight in the game of Proxima. It won’t be easy. At stake are all of the past achievements that student’s have won for their houses. After all, when the blight infects planets, it also infects their trophy cases.

模式:⚪竞争 🟢合作
GAME: Proxima
SCENARIO: 5 challenges
MODE: ⚪Competitive 🟢Collaborative
Division of Labor
Risk Analysis
反思 | Post-play
Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.
- 哪些Proxima策略奏效了,哪些没有?它们之间的主要区别是什么?
Which Proxima strategies worked, and which didn’t? What’s the main difference between them? - 你所在的团队氛围如何?不同合成行星的成员是否合作,还是之间存在紧张关系?
What was the vibe of the teams you were on? Did members of different Synthesis planets work together, or was there tension between them?
任务简报 | Mission Brief

讨论 | Discussions
有远见的领导力 | Visionary Leadership
Whether in sports, school, or playing Proxima, visionary leadership is all about seeing beyond the present, anticipating future needs, and motivating others towards a shared goal. This week’s Discussion session gives students the opportunity to look 20 years ahead into the fields of education, arts, AI, healthcare, entrepreneurship, and even Synthesis itself.
他们在当前的世界中看到了什么,将会影响到他们的长远愿景?未来十年可能充满不确定性,但有一件事是确定的:分析趋势、阐述可能性以及考虑限制的技能,适用于任何领域和未来 —— 您的孩子正在进行良好的实践。
What do they see in their world currently that will inform their downstream vision? The next decade may be uncertain, but here’s one thing we’re certain of: the skills of analyzing trends, articulating possibilities, and considering limitations apply to any field and any future — and your child is getting good practice.

讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro

导师 | Tutor
新课程 | New Lesson

拼凑一切 | Painting The Pieces Together
Break out the hammer, glue, and paint because your student will explore fractions again. So far, the focus has been on unit fractions with a one as the numerator. But now your student is ready for more. With the Tutor as their guide, your student will paint fractions with numerators bigger than one. And by the end of the lesson, they will confidently recognize and write fractions of all sizes. Painting The Pieces Together can be found in the Fractions Unit.
零点准备 | Squared Away
Ready, set…don’t blast? In this lesson, your student will discover the power and simplicity of multiplying by zero. With the Dot Blaster in hand, your student will go beyond simple tricks and memorization so they can develop a concrete understanding for why multiplying by zero always yields zero. Zeroing In can be found in the Multiplication and Division Unit.