Synthesis Week 5/20

我们本周在游戏中有一个 Synthesis 范围的协作挑战,并且在讨论课上会讨论如何思考几步之后。
We have a Synthesis-wide collaborative challenge in Play this week and Discussions on thinking several steps ahead.

游戏 | Play
电池未含 | Batteries Not Included

详情 | Details

在上周的游戏中,我们很高兴看到协作文化的成长:学生们互相帮助、互相支持,但也在竞争性游戏中相互测试。这种准备将在本周面临挑战——所有 Synthesis 星球将与超级计算机对战,这是一个每场游戏都在增加难度的自动对手。赌注是什么?他们之前所有的成就。若达到2386场累计胜利的目标,学生们将保留他们的奖杯。未能达到这个目标,奖杯将消失。为了成功,团队需要在压力下保持冷静,思考几步之后的策略,并保持效率,以超越对手的机器。
In last week’s games, we were happy to see growth in collaborative culture: students were helping each other, supporting each other, but also testing each other in competitive gameplay. That preparation will be challenged this week — all Synthesis planets will play against the Supercomputer, an automated opponent that increases its difficulty level each game. At stake? All of their previous achievements. Beat the goal of 2386 combined wins, and students keep their house trophies. Fail to meet that goal, and the trophies disappear. To succeed, teams will need to be calm under pressure, think steps ahead, and maintain their efficiency to outlast the machine on the other side.

场景:5 个地图
模式:⚪竞争 🟢合作

GAME: Batteries Not Included
SCENARIO: 5 challenges
MODE: 🟢Competitive ⚪Collaborative
Advance Planning
Rode Delegation

反思 | Post-play

Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.

  • 你的团队在压力下的反应如何?他们是保持冷静,还是变得紧张?
    How well did your teams respond to pressure? Did they stay calm, or get tense?
  • 你自己在压力下的反应如何?当事情变得困难时,你是如何应对的?
    How well did you, yourself, respond to pressure? When things got difficult, how did you react?

任务简报 | Mission Brief

讨论 | Discussions

前瞻思维 | Steps Ahead

Thinking steps ahead isn’t just a good way to beat a Supercomputer — it can also be a way to make an impact on the world. This week’s Discussion scenarios require students to consider how to bring positive solutions to real-life problems, from revamping youth sports to reducing cyberbullying. Here’s the catch: those solutions will need multiple steps, so students will need to discuss the through-lines as they choose the best path from the available options.

讨论介绍 | Discussion Intro

导师 | Tutor
新课程 | New Lesson

加法中的减法 | Adding to Subtract

In the previous subtraction lesson, your student was destroying dots by zapping them out of existence. But what happens if you want to subtract more dots than you have? Enter a new invention from the Tutor: Negadots (short for negative-dots). With these handy critters, your student will learn all about negative numbers and how seeing subtraction as the addition of negatives can solidify their understanding of arithmetic. This lesson can be found in the Addition and Subtraction Unit.

翻转除法 | Flipping Division

The Tutor is throwing another dot party. And this time, it’s a double dose of division. In this lesson, your student will build their understanding and intuition around two ways of doing division: dividing into groups of a certain size or dividing into a certain number of groups. That sure is a mouthful, which is why your student will learn to use division both ways through actions, not words. Flipping Division can be found in the Multiplication and Division Unit.