Synthesis Week 5/27

本周发现 Synthesis Week 的更新迟迟没有收到,于是询问了 Synthesis 的管理团队,最后终于收到了本周的简要说明。以下是迟到的 Synthesis Week——

游戏 | Play
自然选举 | Natural Election

详情 | Details

For young people, understanding the basics of negotiation means understanding its central conflict: what information should you reveal and which information should you conceal? In Natural Election, teams work to get their animal candidate elected as mayor. The problem? Incomplete information. Teams can either spend their funds to research the likes and dislikes of various electoral groups — or they can negotiate with representatives of other teams in a unique “ambassador room”. Of course, negotiation involves strategic value, clear communication, and trust. In other words, key skills in real-world relationships, businesses, and politics.

讨论 | Discussions

我说得太多了 | I’ve Said Too Much

Natural Election is clearly fictional, but negotation is very much real. So for this week’s Discussion session, we’ll present six hypothetical scenarios, from sports and friendships to international diplomacy and policy-making, and let students decide the best way to negotiate the situation. Is it better to reveal everything, give nothing away, or somewhere in between? The answer, naturally, is “it depends.” But on what? And why? No right or wrong answers here, just interesting conversations with kids from around the world.

同Synthesis Admin的对话记录

William: I am writing to inquire about the “This Week at Synthesis” update. I used to receive these weekly updates regularly, but I haven’t received the email for this week. I am wondering if it is on the way or if there might be an issue with my subscription. Could you please check and let me know the status of this week’s update? I appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter. 

SynAdmin: Thank you for bringing this up. There has been a delay this week and at this point I am not sure if it will make sense to send one out as we are more than half way through the week. We are truly sorry about that.

William: Could you please provide some details about this week’s play activities and especially the discussion topics? I need this information as I am sending out the weekly message to the parents and teachers here. I appreciate your assistance.

SynAdmin: Here is the raw version of the email that was supposed to go out this week.