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参与方式 | How it works




首先,欢迎加入Synthesis Teams,这是全球最创新的教育体验。



  1. 出勤是帮助您的孩子的最佳途径。我们建议每周至少60分钟。您可以将Synthesis的时间添加到您的家庭日历中,点击此处
  2. “友善” 和 “参与” 是我们文化的两个支柱。


  1. 增强与不同类型的孩子合作的信心;
  2. 在团队中找到自己的声音;
  3. 在复杂和模糊的情境中感到舒适。




Welcome to Synthesis: How it works

Let me be the first to welcome to Synthesis Teams, the world’s most innovative educational experience.

You are going to be challenged, and along the way, they are going to meet some pretty exceptional kids from around the world. Each game is crafted to provoke interesting decisions that are made in teams.

We recommend two things to best support child’s growth:

  1. Attendance is the #1 best way to help your child. We suggest at least 60 minutes per week. You can add Synthesis times to your family calendar here.
  2. Be kind and join in are the two pillars of our culture. 

After a few months in Synthesis, we typically see growth in these three areas:

  1. Increased confidence working with different types of kids;
  2. Finding their voice in a team; and
  3. Comfort in complexity and ambiguity.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to the road ahead.

We are here if you have any questions or need any help.

To the stars (and Mars),


欢迎加入 Synthesis:工作原理

欢迎加入 Synthesis:工作原理


让我成为第一个欢迎你们来到 Synthesis 的人,这是世界上最具创新性的教育体验。接下来该做什么:

📺 准备
观看我的视频《Josh 家长入门指南 V1》,了解 Synthesis 的起源、运作方式以及你们可以期待什么。

🖥️ 就绪

🗓️ 出发
我们将在前三次课程中建立基本技能,这些课程称为基础课程。为你的学生选择一个 60 分钟的首次课程时间段


Josh Dahn
Synthesis 联合创始人

视频《Josh 家长入门指南 V1》


我的名字是 Josh Dahn,我在 Adastra 设计了第一个 Synthesis 体验。这所学校是我和 Elon Musk 于2014年创办的。据我所知,Adastra 是历史上唯一一所位于工厂的学校。从一开始,我们的处理方式与常规教育非常不同。

为了最好的未来,Elon 和我一致认为,人类最大的成就来自团队共同解决难题。不幸的是,大多数孩子在学校遇到的问题都是静态的、单人模式的,并且大多毫无意义。因此,我们追求完全相反的目标。会员制为你的孩子提供了一个全球性的同龄人网络,他们出于正确的理由在这里迎接挑战并结交新朋友。

在你的家庭开始 Synthesis 之旅时,我有几个关键建议。但让我们从最基本的事情开始。孩子们在 Synthesis 做什么?我们指导学生与来自世界各地的孩子一起玩团队思维游戏。

Synthesis 远非易事。我预计你的孩子在最初的一两次课程中会遇到困难。有些孩子一开始在团队讨论中占主导地位,而有些孩子几乎不说话。无论你孩子的起点如何,每周的练习加上个性化的指导都会帮助他们成为更好的沟通者和问题解决者。

Synthesis 的前三周被称为基础课程,因为我们想帮助你的孩子建立沟通的基本技能并学习我们的第一个游戏——星座。在此期间,我们的教练会主动联系你,确保你的孩子:一、玩得开心;二、感觉自己在进步;三、期待下一次课程。



好了,就这些。我们为像你孩子这样喜欢挑战并渴望真实体验的孩子设计了 Synthesis。为了一个伟大的未来,我们最好的希望是培养一代超级合作者。让我们开始吧。

Welcome to Synthesis: How it works


Let me be the first to welcome to Synthesis, the world’s most innovative educational experience. Here’s what to do next:

📺Get ready.
Watch my short video about why Synthesis started, how it works, and what can expect.

🖥️Get set.
Log in to account and complete the video and audio tech check. (That login link will not expire and can be bookmarked on any supported device.)

We build the basic skills during the first three sessions, called Foundation. Choose a 60-minute timeslot for your student’s first session here.

That’s it! The most important thing is to set your child up for success, and we’ll take it from there.

To the stars (and Mars),
Josh Dahn
Synthesis creator and co-founder

Video: Josh Parent Orientation V1

Video Transcript

My name is Josh Don, and I designed the first synthesis experience at Adastra. A school I started with Elon Musk in two thousand fourteen. And to my knowledge, Adastra is the only school in history to be located at at Factory. For the very beginning, we approach things, as you might imagine, quite differently.

For the best possible future, Elon and I agree that humanity’s greatest achievements come from teams working together on difficult problems. Unfortunately, the types of problems most kids encounter in school are static, single player, and largely meaningless. So we aim for the opposite. Membership Institute Institute gives your child access to a worldwide network of peers who are here for the right reasons to take on challenges and make new friends.

I have a few key pieces of advice as your family gets started on your synthesis journey. But let’s start with the most basic thing. What do kids do at synthesis? We coach students as they play team thinking games with kids around the world.

Synthesis is far from easy. I would expect your child to struggle in their first session or two. Some kids start out dominating the conversation in their team while others hardly speak at all. Regardless of your child’s starting place, weekly practice plus personalized coaching will help them become better communicators and problem solvers.

The first three weeks of synthesis are called foundation because you wanna help your child build the basic skills of communication or learning our first game called Constellation. During this period, our coaches will actively reach out to you to make sure your child is. One, having a good time. Two, feels like they’re getting better and three, eager for the next session.

To set your child up for success, help them locate a quiet, well, that place to work in your home. We strongly recommend headphones and showing up at the same time each week to see familiar faces. You will start receiving student metrics based on what we are seeing in their foundation sessions. If you have any questions at any point, please reach out to me directly.

My email is josh at synthesis dot is. I’ll record another video after your child has completed the first three sessions to share more about the road ahead.

Alright. That’s it. We’ve designed synthesis for kids like yours who love challenges and are hungry for the real thing. The best hope for a great future is to train a generation of super collaborators. Let’s get started.

Synthesis 团队(1)超越基础

Synthesis 团队(1)超越基础

来自 Synthesis 的问候!

在你孩子的第一次基础课程中,学生们掌握了 Synthesis 的基础知识:

  • 目标:练习解决问题和团队合作。
  • 问题:在 Constellation 这个团队思维游戏中完成越来越困难的协作挑战。
  • 过程:从个体部分,成为一个统一的团队。 他们可能提到过这是一个艰难的开始。


我们希望学生们直接跳进去,通过经验学习。如果团队沟通不畅,他们就无法完成挑战。这时教练会提出重要的问题:“我们可以在哪些方面改进?下次我们要做什么不同的事情?” Synthesis 每周都会积累这些小的改进。




Josh Dahn
Synthesis 联合创始人


Synthesis Teams – Episode 2: Beyond Basics

Greetings from Synthesis!

In your child’s first Foundation session, students got the basics of Synthesis:

  • The Purpose: to practice problem-solving and teamwork.
  • The Problem: complete increasingly difficult collaborative challenges in Constellation, a team thinking game.
  • The Process: from individual parts, become one, unified team.

They might have mentioned that it was a rocky start.

That’s by design.

We want students to jump right in and learn through experience. If the team communicates poorly, they don’t beat the challenge. And that’s when the coach asks the important questions: “Where can we improve? What are we going to do differently next time?” Synthesis compounds these small improvements, week after week.

Now, it’s time to move beyond basics.

In the next episode of Foundation, we’re going to introduce adversity into the maps and conflict into the teams. Because good teams stick together, even when things get tough.

I’ll check in again after next week and see how your child is feeling.

To the stars (and Mars),
Josh Dahn
Synthesis creator and co-founder

PS: Here’s a sneak peek at the mission brief for Episode 2. Feel free to share it with your student!

Synthesis 团队(2)掌控全局

Synthesis 团队(2)掌控全局

在你的孩子解锁 Synthesis 宇宙的其余部分之前,只剩下一步了。


✅ 在第一集中,我们练习了团队合作和解决问题的基本知识。
✅ 在第二集中,我们克服了逆境和冲突。


毕竟,Synthesis 学生真正的表现是在没有人看着时他们会做什么。





Josh Dahn
Synthesis 联合创始人


Synthesis Teams – Episode 3: Flying the Plane

There’s only one step left before your child unlocks the rest of the Synthesis universe.

A final test, you might say. To recap:

✅ We practiced the basics of teamwork and problem-solving in Episode 1.
✅ We worked through adversity in conflict in Episode 2.

But can your child do these without a coach leading the session In Episode 3?

After all, the real demonstration of a Synthesis student is what they do when no one’s watching.

Don’t worry — there will be a coach present the whole time, just like in all of our sessions. The difference this week is that the coach will be on the sideline, and the students will lead themselves.

If their team can come together, coordinate their approach, and support each other, they’ve got a good shot at beating the four most difficult maps we can cook up.

And if not, there’s always next week — because this time, students only advance if they complete all four maps.

Win or lose, success or failure, I’m excited to see what happens next.

To the stars (and Mars),
Josh Dahn
Synthesis creator and co-founder

PS: I’d love to hear about your students’s experience so far. Just a few questions. I’ll share the results with your child’s coach.



作为父母,我们知道事物变化很快。我有三个孩子:Eames(4岁),Fox(2岁)和Mosey(5个月)。我在职业生涯的前四年里在拉斯维加斯的Title I学校教授五年级,两年在洛杉矶的一所天才学校工作,过去的10年里创建了Ad Astra、Astra Nova和Synthesis。


  1. 我们的孩子将在团队中工作——与来自世界各地不同背景的不同类型的人合作;
  2. 我们的孩子将应对复杂的问题——并且什么方向是最好的并不总是明确的;
  3. 我们的孩子在他们的工作中对善尽一份力时会更幸福——但找到善和将其变为现实并非微不足道。




The Future

Hi everyone,

As parents, we know that things are changing quickly. I have three kids: Eames (4), Fox (2), and Mosey (5 months). I’ve spent the first four years of my career teaching 5th grade in Title I schools in Las Vegas, two years at a gifted school in Los Angeles, and the last 10 years creating Ad Astra, Astra Nova, and Synthesis.

Everything I work on in education is grounded in three convictions about the future:

  1. Our kids will work on teams—different types of people with different backgrounds from around the world;
  2. Our kids will grapple with complex problems—and it won’t always be clear what direction is best;
  3. Our kids will be happiest when their work contributes to the good—but finding the good and bringing it to life is not trivial.

Your child is on the path to becoming the type of person who can make any team better. There is a hero’s journey at the heart of Synthesis, and we are eager to share the growth we see with you through the upcoming metrics and opportunity for a one-on-one conference.

Synthesis would prefer not to spend money on any ads and just grow by word of mouth, so if you know a family that seems like a great fit for Synthesis, please send them our way.

To the stars (and Mars),




我花了六年的时间在SpaceX的校园里创建了一所名为Ad Astra的学校。我的目标是为我们的学生提供与SpaceX文化中编织在一起的目标感最为接近的体验。“登陆火星”对于太空公司来说是一个强大的统一力量,但我们如何让孩子们在实现这样的目标上获得团队合作的实践?

我创造了一门课程叫做Synthesis。它旨在让我们的Ad Astra学生在早期就体验到在有效的团队中合作的愉悦。


我们将Ad Astra原始的课程搬到了公司中,并以此命名我们的公司,并致力于为每个孩子提供Synthesis的体验。在与我们在一起的一年中,学生将参与数百个独特的团队,与成千上万的孩子一同合作。他们还可以将队友添加为好友,以便他们的路径再次交叉。



The story of Synthesis at SpaceX

What would it look like if education prepared kids to start companies that could outcompete SpaceX? Would we still insist they write five-paragraph essays and learn geometric proofs?

I spent six years creating a school called Ad Astra on the campus of SpaceX.My goal was to give our students the closest thing to the sense of purpose that is woven into the culture at SpaceX. “Get to Mars” is a great unifying force for a space company, but how do we give kids practice working together on such a goal?

I created a class called Synthesis. It was designed to give our Ad Astra students the joyful experience of working on effective teams at an early age.

For example, one game called Art for All required teams to compete in art auctions. Another game called Fish tasked teams with uncovering the most valuable fishing routes. Big decisions bring teams together, and some of the greatest moments of growth were in the moments reflecting on disastrous decisions in the course of the game.

We took the original class at Ad Astra, named our company after it, and are working to give every kid a Synthesis experience. Over the course of a year with us, students participate in hundreds of unique teams with thousands of kids. They can also add teammates as Friends so their paths cross again.

As always, let us know if you have any questions, and if you have not done so, please add Synthesis to your calendar to make it part of your week.

To the stars (and Mars),



在Ad Astra位于SpaceX校园时,我们听说过一个关于SpaceX一个小团队的故事,他们的任务是找出如何建造一支“无人机船队”以进行猎鹰9号火箭的着陆。








How do you make any team better?

When Ad Astra was on the campus of SpaceX, there was a story we heard about a small team at SpaceX tasked with figuring out how to build a fleet of “drone ships” for Falcon 9 rocket landings.

Apparently, this team was able to successfully juggle ship construction, harbor permits, communication with the U.S. Coast Guard, navigating a captainless ship through rough seas, alongside the primary task: keeping the ships afloat as the experimental landing rockets exploded on the deck.

Inspired by the stories of heroic feats of teamwork at SpaceX and Tesla, we started using the word supercollaborator at Synthesis to describe the type of people who can make any team better. So how do we get millions of kids who can effectively size up a problem, overcome obstacles, and get a team of people buy into the plan?

You give them practice.

At Synthesis, we match Jiaxun with teams that vary by size, age, gender, skill, and experience. The games themselves all require different social skills and thinking patterns.

Not all kids thrive in all types of teams, especially in the first few weeks of Synthesis. It is our responsibility to help your child find their voice even if they find themselves on a team as the youngest player or disagree with the strategy. Teamwork, as we all know, can be messy. But we are in pursuit of the most endurable skill in the world: your child learning how to bring their unique value to any team.

We look forward to seeing your kids in Synthesis this week. As always, please reach out with any questions or schedule some time to meet with us to discuss your child’s progress.

To the stars (and Mars),




  • 选项A:人类航天飞行。发送宇航员在火星上创建一个文明。
  • 选项B:机器人航天飞行。发送机器人探索我们太阳系之外的未知世界。
  • 选项C:太空旅游。出售门票,让非宇航员绕地球轨道。
  • 选项D:撞击小行星。创建一个系统,在小行星撞击地球之前将其粉碎。
  • 选项E:望远镜。建造世界上最先进的太空望远镜,了解宇宙更多信息。

如果你向家庭所有成员提出这个问题,他们可能不太可能达成一致意见。有建设性地不同意是我们可以在孩子身上培养的最重要的技能之一。倾听其他人解决类似“NASA难题”问题的方式,让你重新考虑自己的推理方式。对改变主意的开放态度从来都不是坏事 🙂





Discussions: Constructive Disagreement

I have a question for you. Imagine that a space agency has five programs they want to fund but only enough money for two. So, what should they fund?

Option A: Human spaceflight. Send astronauts to start a civilization on Mars.

Option B: Robotic spaceflight. Send robots to unexplored worlds outside of our solar system.

Option C: Space tourism. Sell tickets to allow non-astronauts to orbit Earth.

Option D: Asteroid blasting. Create a system to pulverize any large asteroid before it hits Earth.

Option E: Telescope. Build the world’s most advanced space telescope to learn more about the universe.

If you ask this question to all the members of your family, you are unlikely to get a consensus. Disagreeing constructively is one of the most essential skills we can develop in our kids. Listening to the way others approach a problem like the NASA Conundrum allows you to reconsider your own reasoning. Openness to changing your mind is never a bad thing 🙂

Questions like these are found in Discussions on Tuesdays [9am and 4pm PT] and Thursdays [9am and 4pm PT]. Instead of thinking games, kids dive into big questions that touch on powerful concepts like systems thinking, incentives, and collective responsibility.

We have adult moderators standing by if they are needed, but these are the types of conversations Synthesis kids are having weekly all on their own.

Hope to see Jiaxun there!

To the stars (and Mars),



在Ad Astra的第一年结束时,埃隆的执行助手打来电话,询问我是否能过去开个会。我被要求准备一份年度回顾和“课程调整”清单。


在Synthesis, “预期进行调整”的原则是将良好反馈的价值进行架构的最强大方式之一。当我们只给孩子们赞扬或允许他们“获得完美的成绩”时,我们在传达改进是不可能的信息。





Expect course corrections

At the end of the first year of Ad Astra, Elon’s executive assistant called and asked if I could come in for a meeting. I was asked to prepare a review of the year and a list of “course corrections.”

I panicked. The concept of “course corrections” seemed to imply that the school was not on the right path. But two things can be true: Ad Astra had a successful first year, and there was endless room for improvement.

At Synthesis, the principle of “expect course corrections” is one of the most powerful ways of framing the value of good feedback. When we only give kids praise or allow them to “get perfect grades,” we are communicating that improvement is impossible.

Thinking games are the ideal environment to learn through mistakes. In a standard game, you succeed by copying the tricks of successful players, but that doesn’t work in thinking games. No one person can carry a team to success with a secret tactic at Synthesis. Instead, teams have to leverage the contributions of each player and make continuous course corrections together.

Since course corrections are the engine of improvement, we will send you personal metrics for every few weeks. The goals of these emails are to share some insights into your child’s Synthesis experience and set the stage for periodic conferences to discuss your child’s growth.

In the spirit of improvement, we’d love your feedback. Please send anything on your mind our way.

To the stars (and Mars),






  • POLIS:一个需要协商优先事项的游戏。
  • CONSTELLATION:一个需要在复杂环境中执行的游戏。
  • PROXIMA:一个需要分派任务的游戏。
  • HYPERBALL:一个需要高度协调的游戏。

有没有在 Synthesis 中最受欢迎的游戏?实际上,没有,但对所有游戏都有很强烈的意见。团队合作是多方面的,因此我们的每个游戏都需要一组独特的能力才能取得成功。



Philosophy of Team Thinking Games

It is possible that your child may be one of the best kids in the world at one of our thinking games. To reach that level will require something quite a bit different from standard games.

To start, we have different goals from games like Roblox. We want your child to think. But thinking alone is not enough; success comes from executing a plan and making course corrections as you get more feedback from the environment. Our games are multiplayer (most often in teams of 3, 4, or 5), but they are also team-essentialSuccess comes to those who collaborate best.

Since games like these do not exist in the world, we create them in our game studio. Most commercial games focus on monetization loops. We get to make pure games that only exist to bring out the very best of our students. Each game rests on a pillar of collaboration. For example:

  • POLIS: a game that requires negotiating priorities.
  • CONSTELLATION: a game that requires executing in complexity.
  • PROXIMA: a game that requires delegation of tasks.
  • HYPERBALL: a game that requires high levels of coordination.

Is there a most popular game at Synthesis? Actually, no, but there are strong opinions about all of them. Teamwork is multi-faceted, so our games each have a unique set of competencies required to be successful.

After participating in Synthesis for a year, your child will get hours of practice working on teams in different collaborative environments. Take a look at your child’s metrics in these upcoming weeks to see how they are faring in the different challenges. If you want to discuss the data or just check in, conferences are always available here.

To the stars (and Mars),



随着我们的Synthesis团队夏季战略营即将开始,我想分享一些关于社区和友谊的重要性。我们本周的夏令营名额很可能会售罄,如果您有兴趣加入我们,请立即预订 ——Chrisman


您可能知道,Teams最初是由我的联合创始人Josh与Elon Musk在SpaceX实验学校创办的一个课程。那所学校很小——只有大约30个家庭——所以孩子们都彼此认识并且信任对方。他们稳定的社会关系让他们的思维得以自由地讨论Teams游戏和模拟中探索的高级概念。






Chrisman Frank CEO & 联合创始人 | Synthesis

The journey to an incredible community

With our Synthesis Teams summer strategy camp starting soon, I wanted to share some recent thoughts on the importance of community and friendships in Teams. We will likely be sold out of summer camp spots this week, so reserve now if you are interested in joining us: – Chrisman

One of the highlights of watching Synthesis Teams in action is seeing the kids make friends.

As you may know, Teams was originally a class at the SpaceX lab school my cofounder Josh started with Elon Musk. The school was small—only about 30 families—so the kids all knew and trusted each other. Their steady social relationships left their minds free to discuss higher-order concepts that are explored in Teams games and simulations.

When we started the company, we had to figure out a way to go from an experience designed for 30 kids who all knew each other in person to something that would feel welcoming to thousands of kids from all over the planet.

The first path we tried was to run Teams like a typical classroom, with 15-20 kids and a teacher. Many kids formed friendships in this format. But if you happened to not click with anyone in your group, Teams could be a lonely experience. We weren’t satisfied with this. We wanted to make it so every child would make friends and feel welcome. So we broke up the classroom format and re-launched Teams as a community/network based on mutual friend requests.

Here’s how it works: In your first game, we match you with random kids. After the game, you can send a friend request to anyone you want to play with again. Next game we try to match you with a mix of your friends, plus some new kids so you have the opportunity to make more friends. Over time, you’ll play more frequently with the friends you’ve made. You might not see your best friend every time, but you “bump into” enough people that you know and like to make it feel like a community.

The same is true for coaches in Synthesis Teams. You may not see your favorite coach every time, but if you keep showing up, there will be a handful of coaches you see repeatedly who come to know you and want to help you grow.

Community isn’t something that is built once and put aside. It is an ongoing effort. But it’s an effort that invigorates me, because I fully believe some of the friendships formed on Synthesis are going to lead to kids starting their own companies and changing the world someday. And even if they don’t, I still think it’s pretty cool that as a 10-year-old, my own son has friends on multiple continents 🙂

Chrisman Frank
CEO & Cofounder | Synthesis










  • 第1周 — 混乱到清晰:如何在混乱中找到清晰的步骤。概念包括:迭代思维、目标设定和角色协调。
  • 第2周 — 增加复杂性:通过增加分析和评估层次来加强学生的战略过程。概念包括:批判性思维、风险评估和创新。
  • 第3周 — 变幻中决策:在不可预测的条件下进行决策和纠正。概念包括:适应性、课程修正和压力反应。
  • 第4周 — 技能整合:在全新Synthesis游戏中综合之前的技能。概念包括:技能转移、团队凝聚力和反思。










Synthesis Summer: what to expect

Synthesis Summer starts on Monday! The experiences of the first week will set the foundation for the next three weeks. Here’s what to expect.

Expect confusion.

You read that right. The problems of the future will be complex and unknown, and we don’t help our kids by pretending otherwise. Instead, we want your child to get comfortable in confusion and find clarity in chaos. To do that, we use games. But we don’t tell kids how to play or how to win. That’s for them to figure out. Together.

Expect independence.

Synthesis is not school; our coaches do not take center stage. They set a challenge before students and allow them to work together on a solution. While they work, we observe on hidden mode to analyze team dynamics and prepare the next challenge. Why stay hidden? Because the students that can demonstrate teamwork and strategy “when no one’s watching” are the ones that have truly internalized the skills.

Expect development.

Here are the topics we’ll center our experiences around.

  • Week 1 — Find the Shape: How to become comfortable with confusion and take steps to find clarity within chaos. Concepts include iterative mindset, goal setting, and coordinating roles.
  • Week 2 — Added Complexity. Reinforcing students’ strategic process by adding an analytical and evaluative layer. Concepts include critical thinking, risk assessment, and innovation.
  • Week 3 — In Flux. Decision-making and course-correcting under unpredictable conditions. Concepts include adaptability, course-corrections, and stress responses.
  • Week 4 — Synthesis Squared. A synthesis of previous skills in a brand new Synthesis game. Concepts include skill transfer, team cohesion, and reflection.

Expect personalized feedback.

After each week, we’ll email you with a review of the week’s experience, personalized feedback about your child, and a preview of what’s coming up the next week.

We don’t expect Synthesis Summer to create complete mastery of the skills above in four short weeks. We do expect to show you where your student is showing comfort and confidence, where there is room to improve, and what actionable steps will help them get there.

Our philosophy.

We believe in the capacity of our students to learn through experience in their own way, at their own pace. Therefore, our coaches will expect civil behavior, but they will also give students space to encounter conflict and work to resolve it. They will support student learning, but they will not tell students what to think. They will moderate communication, but they will not dictate who speaks and when.

Here’s why.

Synthesis students will be prepared for life’s problems, not because they memorized information, but because they’ve practiced — again and again, through ups and downs, until the process feels automatic.

We’re looking forward to watching your student take the first steps on their journey.


共同建设 | Building Together


您可以参考同Synthesis团队的邮件交流,从中得知如何解读新报告并给予孩子支持。例如,通过观看Mission Brief视频,了解更多关于Achievements的详细信息。此外,请意识到:Synthesis是一个家长和设计团队共同探索、促进孩子教育的社区。您可以向团队提问,甚至给予建议;Synthesis团队会欣然接纳并作出改进。






  • 在成就和回复的上下文中,“未完成”意味着什么?
  • “无输入”表示什么,为什么这个术语在反馈中频繁出现?
  • “无反馈”代表什么,我们如何确保学生能收到教练的建设性评论?



此致, William


感谢您的联系,抱歉回复延迟。参加Synthesis Teams和Summer的老学生可以访问他们门户上的“成就”页面。




此致, Georgi Klisuranov




此致, William



我们完全理解这对学生来说是一个全新的功能,他们仍然需要时间来适应。在过去几周中,学生们在每节课前看到的Mission Brief视频中已经介绍了这个功能,并详细说明了如何实际使用它。我建议让家长们知道,学生们可以通过仔细观看下一次加入课程前的Mission Brief视频,了解更多关于成就的信息。

此致, Georgi Klisuranov

Advise for New Report – July, 2024

Subject: Clarification on Feedback Emails and How to Help Kids Improve

Dear Georgi,

I hope this message finds you well.

I’ve been receiving a few feedback emails similar to the one below, and parents have been asking for clarification on what the terms “Not completed”, “Nothing entered”, and “No feedback” mean. They are also concerned about how they can help their kids improve based on these reports.

Could you please provide some insight into these terms? Specifically:

  1. What does “Not completed” signify in the context of achievements and responses?
  2. What does “Nothing entered” mean, and why might this be appearing frequently in the feedback?
  3. What does “No feedback” indicate, and how can we ensure students receive constructive comments from coaches?

Additionally, any advice on how parents can support their children to engage more fully in the program and complete the achievements would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,


Thank you for reaching out and sorry for the delay. Our veteran students that are attending both Synthesis Teams and Summer have access to a page called “Achievements” on their Portal.

That page will show a range of possible achievements that they either have or don’t have. Some achievements are linked to their performance in the game. When they haven’t completed a certain challenge within the games the system will display the message “Not completed”

Nothing entered is the message that you will see for our second type of achievement which is based on students answering a number of questions. The questions will be visible for them once they click on a specific achievement from their Portal.

The “No feedback” message is once again linked to the written responses that they can provide for the achievements, it is not referring to feedback about the games and the sessions.

Kind regards,
Georgi Klisuranov

Hello Georgi,

Thank you for the detailed explanation. However, I’ve received feedback from several parents expressing concern that the reports their children received show almost “No” in every aspect, which might be overwhelming for the students. It would be more beneficial to provide some constructive feedback or actionable suggestions instead of just indicating “No” or “Not completed”. This way, it can help the students understand where they can improve and feel more encouraged to make progress.

It’s just my opinion, but I would appreciate your thoughts on this. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Best regards,

Hello William,

Thank you for the feedback, we truly appreciate it and I will pass it along to our team.

We fully understand that this is a completely new feature for students and they still need time to adjust to it. Our Mission Brief videos that students see before each sessions have been introducing the feature in the past few weeks and are giving students more details on how to actually use it. I would recommend letting parents know that students can learn more about the Achievements but taking a closer look at the Mission Brief video before the next session they join.

Kind regards,
Georgi Klisuranov



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The more you know, the deeper conversations you can have. We’ve selected videos, articles, and books to help build knowledge and make connections. After all, true understanding isn’t a closed room. It’s a network of ideas that work together.

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