Synthesis Week

欢迎加入 Synthesis,一个致力于培养生活中最重要技能的地方。在这里,你将学习如何解决问题、练习团队合作,并不断提升自我。我们不会告诉你具体的玩法或获胜的方法,因为 Synthesis 的核心在于你成为更好的决策者。准备好你的设备,找一个安静的地方,每周按时加入,与朋友们一起迎接挑战。记住,迷茫、害羞或犯错都是学习的一部分。最重要的是分析和改进,以取得更好的成绩。让我们一起开始这段精彩的旅程吧!

We have new, permanent Play times (PT) on Saturdays from 6am-7am and 5pm-6pm starting this week on August 10th.
We’re also trialing a new Discussion time on Sundays at 2am PT. If that’s an appealing time for your child, we hope to see them there.

欢迎来到 Synthesis
Welcome to Synthesis


你即将加入 Synthesis,一个培养生活中最重要技能的地方。以下是你需要知道的事项。

  1. Synthesis 是一个解决问题的地方。
    毕竟,Synthesis 不是电子游戏。它是一个让你成为更好的决策者的地方。
    使用笔记本或台式电脑。Synthesis 不适用于平板电脑。
    在一个安静、没有干扰的地方进行 Synthesis 游戏。
  2. Synthesis 是一个练习团队合作的地方。
  3. Synthesis 是为了进步。

最后一点,Synthesis 是为孩子们准备的。


English Transcript

You’re about to join Synthesis, a place to develop the most important skills in life.
Here’s what you need to know.

  1. Synthesis is a place to figure out problems.
    We won’t tell you how to play and we won’t tell you how to win.
    After all, Synthesis isn’t a video game. It’s a place to become a better decision maker.
    And for that, you’ll need focus.
    Use a laptop or desktop computer. Synthesis doesn’t work on tablets.
    Play Synthesis in a quiet place, free of distractions.
    Join at the same time every week. That way, you’ll get to see friends more often.
  2. Synthesis is a place to practice teamwork.
    None of our games can be won alone. They require you to think as a team and act as a team.
    That means you’ll need to contribute to your team.
    We recommend headphones so your teammates can hear you.
    Keep your face centered and well lit so your teammates can see you.
    And so we know it’s actually you.
  3. Synthesis is for improvement.
    It’s okay to be confused or shy or make mistakes.
    Your job isn’t to be perfect. Your job is to analyze what went well
    and what course corrections will make the next time better.

One Final thing. Synthesis is for kids.
That means that parents aren’t allowed to help you play.
Figuring out what to do is part of the process.
Remember, you’ll always have two resources to lean on, yourself and your team.
When it’s time to play, just go online and click.
Until then, watch this video twice to make sure you’ve got everything set up right and get ready.
Your journey is about to begin.


Exciting times ahead! We’ve lined up a bunch of cool stuff for your child every week—think awesome challenges, great adventures, and making new buddies. There’s loads for them to jump into and enjoy. They’re jam-packed with captivating problems, fun adventures, and new friends–and your child has multiple opportunities to dive in and learn.


窗口显示 打开新页 第39周(10/14-10/20)

窗口显示 打开新页 第38周(10/7-10/13)

窗口显示 打开新页 第37周(9/30-10/6)

窗口显示 打开新页 第36周(9/23-9/29)

窗口显示 打开新页 第35周(9/16-9/22)

窗口显示 打开新页 第34周(9/9-9/15)

窗口显示 打开新页 第33周(9/2-9/8)

窗口显示 打开新页 第32周(8/26-9/1)

窗口显示 打开新页 第31周(8/19-8/25)

窗口显示 打开新页 第30周(8/12-8/18)

窗口显示 打开新页 第29周(8/5-8/11)

窗口显示 打开新页 第28周(7/22-7/28)

窗口显示 打开新页 第27周(7/15-7/21)

窗口显示 打开新页 第27周(7/8-7/14)

窗口显示 打开新页 第26周(7/1-7/7)

窗口显示 打开新页 第24周(6/10-6/16)

窗口显示 打开新页 夏令营(6/24-7/21)(7/22-8/15)

窗口显示 打开新页 第23周(6/3-6/9)

窗口显示 打开新页 第22周(5/27-6/2)

窗口显示 打开新页 第21周(5/20-5/26)

窗口显示 打开新页 第20周(5/13-5/19)

窗口显示 打开新页 第19周(5/6-5/12)

窗口显示 打开新页 第18周(4/29-5/5)

窗口显示 打开新页 第17周(4/22-28)

窗口显示 打开新页 第16周(4/15-21)

窗口显示 打开新页 第15周(4/8-14)

窗口显示 打开新页 第14周(4/1-7)

窗口显示 打开新页 第13周(3/25-31)

窗口显示 打开新页 第12周(3/18-24)

窗口显示 打开新页 第11周(3/11-17)

窗口显示 打开新页 第10周(3/4-10)

窗口显示 打开新页 第9周(2/26-3/3)

窗口显示 打开新页 第8周(2/19-2/25)

窗口显示 打开新页 第7周(2/12-2/18)

窗口显示 打开新页 第6周(2/5-2/11)

窗口显示 打开新页 第5周(1/29-2/4)

窗口显示 打开新页 第4周(1/22-1/28)

窗口显示 打开新页 第3周(1/15-1/21)

窗口显示 打开新页 第2周(1/8-1/14)

窗口显示 打开新页 第1周(1/1-1/7)

12/25 – 12/31

导师 | Tutor
新课 | New Lessons





Fractus Practice
In this game, students will build intuition for the basics of fraction multiplication before they even learn the formal math. As a side-dish, they will get practice with their basic multiplication facts, and brush up against the more advanced topic of prime factorization without even noticing.

Addition Expedition
Addition of large numbers can be challenging for young students to grasp, but James Tanton’s “Exploding Dots” provides a fun, hands-on way to build an understanding of the fundamentals of regrouping digits for adding and subtracting numbers of any size.

Ancient Math
Journey through the history of math until we reach the numbers we use today. From prehistoric times to Ancient Egypt to the Roman Empire — learn the math of the ancient world and discover how our numbers came to be.

Tally Ho
Build up your fluency in counting by 5s. Count tallies as fast as you can. Can you crack the top score?


12/18 – 12/24

Natural Election


Ready for the next big December surprise? We have a second new game to introduce this week: Natural Election.

In Natural Election, a group of animals are electing a new mayor. Teams must strategize and carry out their candidate’s campaign. Good politicians should work for the people, and Natural Election is no different. Teams must pay attention to how different groups want to allocate the budget and take a stand for or against each project.

While playing, kids will discover how electoral systems work without having to think about real-world issues. In this low-stakes fictional universe, a typical decision involves whether to spend the budget on a wave pool or a 3D movie theater.

We hope your kids enjoy this second December surprise, and stay tuned, because it’s not the last!


Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.

  • What was it like running an election in Natural Election?
  • What was most important to think about in order to win the election?

Play it Safe?

Imagine this: your friend was given $100 and asked to offer some portion of that to you. Once they make the offer, you can choose to accept the money, or reject it and cause them to lose their portion as well. If your friend offers you an unfair split – $80 for them, $20 for you – would you accept or reject?

The purely economic, purely logical answer is you should accept any offer; $20 is more than zero, which is what you get if you reject. In real-world studies, though, most people in this scenario choose illogically. In this week’s discussion session, students are presented with 6 different scenarios, each of which expose a real world cognitive bias or logical fallacy. Being aware of these biases and how they play out is the first step in behind able to adjust our decision-making to account for them. 

No right answers. No teachers. Just kids from around the world discussing problems that matter.

12/11 – 12/17



Students new and old were excited to see Constellation debut in Play last week. And what a debut it was! We watched teams fail, regroup, retry, and eventually succeed, finding their way through our difficult collaborative challenges.

This week, however, there won’t be any do-overs. Students will be playing competitive matches, so they’ll need to make split-second analyses of the field and the other teams’ moves to form a winning strategy.

Once again, keep tuned for some more huge surprises in December. We’ve spent months preparing some exceptional experiences for our students that we can’t wait to share in the next couple of weeks.


Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.

  • How do teams come into conflict on the field of Constellation?
  • Did your team come up with a way to one-up your opponents?
  • What was your best strategy?

Apples to Oranges

In last week’s session, students compared the costs and benefits of various options for a set of scenarios, but all of these options were of the same general type – an “apples to apples” comparison. How can we train students to make smart, risk-informed decisions when the options available to them aren’t homogenous? This week, students contrast and compare diverse options to practice identifying and evaluating the underlying commonalities between them.

No right answers. No teachers. Just kids from around the world discussing problems that matter.

12/4 – 12/10



It wouldn’t be December without presents, and we have two big ones in store for this month. 🎁

The first one is coming this week, when the classic Synthesis game Constellation will debut in Play! This week, students will have to solve collaborative challenges with a brand new twist: the ambassador room. Representatives from each team can meet in the ambassador room to make sure they are aligned toward a common goal.

What’s the second present? Keep tuned in to these emails and we’ll let you know soon.


Here are some follow-up reflection questions, in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.

  • What is the new ambassador room and how does it work?
  • Did having an ambassador room change the way your team played? How so?

Weighing the Risks

In our Discussion sessions this month students will explore a particular facet of impactful decision-making: weighing costs and benefits. This week introduces each category distinctly, first asking students to rank various options based on one specific cost. Which transportation method has the greatest risk to physical safety? Which business investment has the greatest risk of failure? In the second half of the session, students consider the relative benefits of each option to practice making holistic decisions based on an analysis of costs and benefits.

No right answers. No teachers. Just kids from around the world discussing problems that matter.

11/27 – 12/3



Students will apply last week’s learning with a second, more difficult set of competitive challenges. In these scenarios, teams must quickly check the win conditionsdefine a strategy, and race to beat the other teams to the finish.

The theme this week is “mirrors,” and the students who discover what has been mirrored from one map to the next will have an advantage over their rivals.


Here are some follow-up reflection questions in case you’d like to discuss the experience with your child.

  • Did your teams communicate well today? Did you participate in teams that communicated better than others? Did it make a difference in winning or losing?
  • Did you know that today’s theme was “mirrors”? Did you notice anything about that theme in today’s games? If so, did it affect your strategies?

Case Study: CEO Solutions

Which policy is most effective?

This week’s Discussion session exposes students to the actual challenges that companies such as Best Buy and Goldman Sachs have encountered. Just like these CEOs, students will be asked to make thoughtful decisions on policies regarding employee satisfaction and remote work policies. They will not only engage in dynamic discussions but also have an opportunity to compare their solutions to the ones implemented by these real-world companies.

We design our Discussion sessions to offer students a platform for practicing impactful decision-making. As you know by now, there’s no predetermined correct answer; instead, students have the unique chance to navigate through intricate issues alongside peers who share their enthusiasm for critical thinking.

No right answers. No teachers. Just kids from around the world discussing problems that matter.

Continue the Conversation

If you’d like to further discuss this month’s topics with your child at home, we’ve curated some related external resources here to dive into. 

11/20 – 11/26



This week, the Play theme is division of labor. For the first time ever, Proxima scenarios will require attaining multiple conditions in order to win. Teams must give equal attention to several areas, including defense, or else they will lose to more balanced groups. Planning aheadreacting rapidly, and separating roles will be this week’s keys to success.

Here are some reflection questions you can ask your child to help them internalize what they learned this week:

  • How did your team deal with having multiple win conditions?
  • Did you take on a specific role? Did you choose it yourself, was it given to you, or were roles negotiated?
  • (If your child has played Proxima before) What did you do differently than just going for the best score? Was this week more or less challenging than trying to keep the best score?

Hierd or Fired?

Which team members are essential? And who can your business live without?

Our student-led Discussion sessions this week ask the students to assemble a team from a pool of talented candidates. Each scenario presents a unique set of roles crucial to the company’s success, but there’s a catch – students can only hire a limited number.

Each decision comes with consequences, prompting students to reconsider their choices. This session tests strategic planning and critical thinking as students navigate through these scenarios and reflect on the values and priorities that guide their decisions. Can your student hire the right people to make their business a success?

No right answers. No teachers. Just kids from around the world discussing problems that matter.

11/13 – 11/19



Previously in Polis, students collaborated to achieve a common goal. This gave students a chance to work together and further master the skills of creating complex supply chains.

This week, we’re turning things on their head. Students will apply what they’ve learned in competitive matches. Students must race against other teams to achieve their goals first. They will need to call upon everything they’ve learned these past weeks to win. Also, we’ll mix up the teams between each match, so students will need to practice adapting their strategies and communication tactics.

Here are some reflection questions you can ask your child to help them internalize what they learned this week:

  • How differently did it feel to play competitively this week?
  • What adjustments did you make to play competitively?
  • What do they think set apart the winning teams this week?

Money Can’t Buy Me Love

Which team members are essential? And who can your business live without?

Is your child ready to be a CEO? This week, students will wrestle with the complexity of employee compensation in our student-led Discussion sessions.

This is continuing our theme for the month: business and labor. Last week, students discussed who should hold the power to make decisions at work. Later this month, they’ll explore how to hire employees and tangle with real-world case studies from companies like Netflix, Google, IBM, and Goldman Sachs.

No right answers. No teachers. Just kids from around the world discussing problems that matter.

Weekly Schedule

以下是以北京时间为基准的日程——可以在 Teams 页面中查看自己时区的时间。

Times are in US Pacific Time. You can see the times in your own timezone in your Teams page.

For Discussions, please arrive 5 minutes early.
For Play, you can arrive whenever you like and stay for as long as you want.


1月1日 – 7日

🕹️游戏 + 💭讨论:一周日程



保险还是冒险?Decision-making Speed Run

Join students from around the world to hear different opinions (and share your own)! Come prepared to speak, listen, and learn from each other as you discuss everything from robot educators to buried treasure.


人工智能解决方案?AI Solutions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises world-changing benefits … but at what costs? From sports to education to transportation, this session explores the varying risks and rewards of using AI to solve problems. Join in conversation with Synthesis students from around the world.


新年交锋 New Year’s Clash

We’re staring off the year with two weeks of Hyperball!


人工智能解决方案?AI Solutions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises world-changing benefits … but at what costs? From sports to education to transportation, this session explores the varying risks and rewards of using AI to solve problems. Join in conversation with Synthesis students from around the world.


新年交锋 New Year’s Clash

We’re staring off the year with two weeks of Hyperball!

12月25日 – 30日

🕹️游戏 + 💭讨论:圣诞周日程



  • 您宁愿立即获得30美元吗?还是抽奖转轮,有机会赢得45美元?您有80%的机会赢得额外的钱,但也有20%的可能一无所获。猜猜大多数人会选择什么?他们会保险还是冒险?本周揭晓!



  • 加入来自世界各地的学生,听取不同的意见(并分享你自己的见解)!准备好参与讨论,发言、倾听,并从彼此讨论的主题中学习,涵盖从机器人教育者到埋藏的宝藏等各种话题。


  • 在古希腊建造你自己的城邦吧!


  • 赶快参与并在这个特殊的一周内畅玩 Synthesis 的经典游戏。



  • 加入来自世界各地的学生,听取不同的意见(并分享你自己的见解)!准备好参与讨论,发言、倾听,并从彼此讨论的主题中学习,涵盖从机器人教育者到埋藏的宝藏等各种话题。


  • 来试试那个老牌的 Hyperball 吧。加入一个团队,通过比赛走向胜利!


  • 欢迎参加这个非常特别、仅此一次的预览,了解我们即将推出的新游戏:《电池未含》!


  • 我们将在圣诞周的尾声为你呈现一场《自然竞选》。与你的队友一起努力,帮助你的候选人赢得选举日的胜利!
12月18日 – 24日

🕹️游戏 + 💭讨论:一周日程














🎄 5天圣诞特别活动
邀请朋友参加一场为期5天的 Synthesis 圣诞活动

  • 连续5天的游戏,其中包括一款全新游戏的预览!


  • 五天五次团队游戏、新朋旧友同欢。这是我们送给您的假日礼物!


  • 玩转你所有喜爱的 Synthesis 游戏,并在我们为期五天的假期盛会中,结识来自世界各地的学生的绝佳机会。密切关注 Teams 页面,了解您可以玩游戏的不同时间。


  • 在这个未来感十足的游戏秀中,你将扮演一个机器人,获胜的团队将是那些学会像润滑机器一样运作的团队。在 Synthesis,你从未玩过这样的游戏。


  • 游戏盛会并非是将圣诞周特殊的唯一原因。
  • 更大的原因是:每位在 Synthesis Teams 注册的学员,可以邀请一位8~14岁的朋友(没有 Synthesis 账户)加入他们一起玩。
  • 新学员将在整整一个月内获得 Teams 的免费使用。