开发日志汇总 Devlog Album

Stick Bender是一款由才华横溢的开发者吴为和吴笛共同开发的新游戏。受热门系列《降世神通》的启发,这款游戏结合了连击动作和激烈的战斗场景,为玩家创造了独特且引人入胜的体验。通过他们的开发日志,吴为和吴笛展示了游戏开发的幕后过程,涵盖了编程、动画设计、音效合成、视频制作,甚至是营销策略等各个方面。

这些开发日志在YouTube上得到了粉丝们的积极反馈,大家对开发者的透明度和创造力表示赞赏。随着吴为和吴笛继续开发Stick Bender,他们计划定期发布更新,与观众分享更多的见解和进展。

通过关注这些开发日志,观众可以见证Stick Bender从概念到完成的演变过程,全面了解游戏开发的流程,以及实现这样一个项目所需的专注、合作、奉献精神。

第6集 Devlog 预览

——这是吴为吴笛的最新Devlog预览版,英语语音无字幕。更多内容请访问 Youtube 频道:Wayne the GameDev

开发日志 Devlog



🐱蓝莓,这只可爱的白色小猫,正在聚精会神地观看吴为的Stick Bender开发日志——她可是吴为的忠实小粉丝!蓝莓目不转睛地盯着屏幕,不时用她的小爪子尝试与游戏里的角色互动,仿佛她也是游戏中的一员。这种专注力正是自主学习的体现,她通过观察和模仿,培养自己的英语思维和理解力。看得出,蓝莓不仅仅是个观众,她似乎在为自己心爱的游戏加油助威,享受着这一刻的快乐时光。或许,她正在为自己在游戏中的新角色做准备呢!通过这样沉浸式的观看和互动,她不仅获得了乐趣,还在无形中孕育了自主学习的能力和英语思维的提升。


Stick Bender is an exciting new game developed by the talented duo, Wu Wei and Wu Di. Inspired by the popular series “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” this game combines combo moves and intense fighting sequences to create a unique and engaging experience for players. Through their devlogs, Wu Wei and Wu Di provide a behind-the-scenes look at the game’s development, covering various aspects such as programming, animation design, sound synthesis, video production, and even marketing strategies.

The devlogs have garnered positive feedback from fans on YouTube, who appreciate the transparency and creativity shown by the developers. As Wu Wei and Wu Di continue to develop Stick Bender, they plan to release regular updates, sharing more insights and progress with their audience.

By following these devlogs, viewers can witness the evolution of Stick Bender from concept to completion, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the game development process and the dedication required to bring such a project to life.

Youtube 频道:Wayne the GameDev